G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access

Starting upper left, names run clockwise. Malcolm Scott "Sweet Dreams" Pearl Scureman "Don 't Get Around lv[uch Anymore" Helen Sergi ''Ah Sweet Mystery of Life" Doris Shahwan "The Pity of it AlC Dorothy Shaskas "Let's K eep Smilin" Kathleen Shea "Did Y ou're Mother Come From ireland" Stnaley Siberski "J Started Something" Helyn Sidelnick "Tell Me The Tales" Henry Sienkiewicz .. 1 Promise You .. Alice Silvick " Jt Can' tBe Wrong" Audrey Simmers "In A Merry Mood" Twenty-Six Wesley Simmers 'For lv[e and Afy GaC Jean Simmonette " 1t Was Not So Long Ago" Ruth Sirota "Flow Gently Sweet Aften " Marie Sloane " The Stars Told Me" Leo Smith ·'Spellbound·· Helen Snyder "Onward to Glory and Fame" Frederick Solomon " How 1 Hate to Get up in the Morning" Catherine Steadele "Sweet Catherine" Bernadette Stanish .. Never in A Million Years" William Stanziale "Fiddling the Fiddle" Julius Stein "Oh Look at Me N ow" •