G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access
· Starting upper left, names run clockwise. Natalie Stencavage "There's A Ray of Sunshine" Charlotte Stern "Beautiful Dreamer" William Stevens " Talk of the Town" Bernard Supplee "Blue Memories" / Florence Sutkus ·· Humming in the N ight'' Theodore Swoboda "Changing A Tire" Henry Talarsky "Slowly Wende Thy Way" Rosemary Talkiewicz "Rosie the Riveter" Aldona Teresavage "] Had the Craziest Dream" Mae Thomas " May Belleo Ring" Thomas Thompson "Merry Life" Robert Tippett "Boogie _Woogie Bugler" Lynetta Torreance "When the Lights Co On A gain" Helen Toton "Little Giant" Maureen Tripp "\V'ho Wouldn't Love You" Timothy Tronovich "Fight Song" Gertrude Turoff "Gerty's Dream \'?laltz" Vera Uhlar "Hi- Neighbor" Anna Umlah "I Must See Annie Tonight" Bela Cnger , 'Blues In The Nigh(' Edward Uzdilla " HapfJY In Luve" Dominick Verdi " Donkey's Serenade"
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