G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access
Senior Index - - Continued JOHN B . CATRINO Academic H ome Room Secretary 10; Bank Cashier II ; P ingPong II ; President P ing Pong 12; Band 10, II , 12; Minstrel l2; Victory Corps Land Service 12. MARY JUNE CERA Technical Skating I I; Dancing II , 12; Victory Corps Community Division 12 THOMAS A. CHMIOLA Technical Student Council II ; Bank Cashier 10 ; H i-Y II , 12; Bowling II ; Letter– mans 12; D ancing I I, 12; F ootball 10, II , 12 ; Baseball 10, II , 12. MARTHA BERTHA CHULVICK Victory Corps Community Service 12. RUSSELL J . COGER Swimming 12; D ancing II ; Victory Corps Air Service 12. JOSEPH RAYMOND CONNELLY Math Club 12; H i-Y 12 ; Victory Corps Air Service 12. MARGARET JOAN CONWELL Technical Techn ical Tecltnicul Academic Student Council 10, 12; Cafeteria Patrol Capt. 10. II ; President 12 ; Ushers Squad II ; H ead Usher 12; E questrian 10, II ; Skating II ; Dancing 12; Blue and G ray 10, I I, 12 ; Garchive Business Staff II ; Senior Girls Tea Committee 12; C lass N ight Committee 12. HELEN COURY Commercial Hall Patrol 10, II , 12; Assembly Squad II ; Library Club 10, II , 12, Secretarial 11 , 12; Garchi ve Editorial II , 12; Garchive Business ll , G 1ft Committee 12 ; Victory Corps Community Service D ivision 12. ELNA JEAN CRUSER Commercial Swimming 10, I I, 12 ; D ancing 11 , 12 ; G irls Basketball 10. 11 , 12; G irls Volleyball 10, 11, 12 ; Victory Corps Community Service Division 12. RICHARD DALEY U. S. Army Vocational HELEN B. DAVIDSON Academic Student Council 10 ; H all P atrol 10, II , 12; Lib rary Club 10, II , 12; Cos– mop.olitan Club II ; E quest rian 10, II ; Skating_ II ; D ancing II ; Musical Comedy II ; Garchive Editorial II ; Garchive Editor-in-chief 12 ; Victory Corps Community Service Division 12; Glee Club 11 . 12. ; G irl Reserves ll. GRACE MARGUERITE DAVIS Tnhnical Student CouncillO, II , 12; Bank Cashie.r 10, !2; H all Patrol1 2; Cafeteria Patrol 10, II ; Girl Reserves II , P resident 12 ; Swimming II , 12; Cospo– mopolitan II ; E questrian II ; D ancing II , 12; G lee Club 12; M instrel 12; Blue and Gray II , 12 ; Girls Basketball II , 12; Girls Volleyball II . 12 ; Token Committee 12 ; Victory Corps Community Service Division 12. J ANE DAVIS Academ ic Usher Squad II ; Swimming I l . 12; Bowling I I ; Skating I I ; Dancing 11 , 12; Glee Club 12; Minstrel 12; Girls Basketball II, 12 ; T oken Com– mittee 12; Victory Corps Community Service 12. LEWIS W. DAVIS Vocational Ushers Squad II ; Swimming 12; l3and IC, II , 12; Victory Corps 12. NORMAN JOSEPH DAVIS Library Club I I. PARKER HOWARD DAVIS U . S. Marines Student Council 10 ; Math Club 12 ; D ancing 10, IJ , 12; Invitation Committee 12 ; Vocational A cademic PEARL ELIZABETH DAVIS Technical Student Council 10; Cafeteria Patrol 12 ; Twenty Grand 10 ; D ancing I I, 12; Orchestra II , 12; G lee Club II , 12; Musical Comedy II , 12; Blue and Gray I 1; Garchive Busine" Staff 12 ; Song Committee 12. WILLIAM DAVIS U . S. Navy \locat/:onal ALBERT GEORGE DECKER \1 oculional Bank Cashier 10 ; Victory Corps Air Service 12; Th irty • SOPHIE JOSEPHINE DELIA Commercial Cafeteria Patrol 10, 12 ; Swimming I I, 12 ; Skating II. 12; Dancing II ; Garchive Business Sta ff 12 ; Horne Nursing 12 ; Staff Assistance 12 ; Com– munity Service 12; CARMELA EMILY DISANTO Technical Fancy Work 10, 12 ; Dancing II , 12; Victory Corps Community Service 12. ROBERT PAUL DORANG Academic Ushers Squad II ; Head Usher 12; K. A. K. 11 ; M ath 12; Band 10, II 12; Track Squad 10; T oken Committee 12. jOHN DUBINSKY Techn ical Dancing 10; Basketball Squad 10; Victory Corps Sea Service 12 ; CHARLOTTE DUMBLE Technical Swimmmg I I ; Bowhng 11 ; Equestn an I I , Skatmg I I, 12 , Dancing ll , 12; Glee C lub II 12, Mus1cal Comedy II , 12, H ome Nursmg 12. WINIFRED BARBARA DZIEDZIAK Com.mercial Hall P atrol 10, 11 , 12 ; Assembly Squad II; Secretarial 12 ; Fancy Work 10 ; D ancing 12 ; Girl R eserves II , 12; Garchive T ypist 12; Victory Corps Corps Community Service 12; Horne N ursing 12. CHARLES E. ECKARDT Technical Swimming 12; Dancing 12; Band 10, II , 12; Glee Club II , 12; Musical Comedy II , 12; Class Day Committee 12; Victory Corps Air Service 12 ; MIRIAM SHIRLEY EDWARDS Acadernic Swimming II , 12; Bowling II ; T wenty G rand II ; Skating II ; D ancing II , 12 ; Glee Club 12; Minstrell 2; Dramatic Club 11 , 12 ; Garchive Business II , 12 ; Invitation Committee 12; Victory Corps 12; Secretary of Senior Class 12. ESTHER ELIAS . Techn ical Lunch Checker 10; Shorthand Artist II ; G irls T ea Committee 12 ; Victory Corps. 12. BETTY JEAN EVANS Commercial H all P atrol IO,, J); Lunch Checker 12; Skat ing II , 12 ; Garchive Business Staff 12; Victory Corps Community Division 12; FRED WILLIAM EVANS Vocational Bank Cashier 10, 12 ; Swimming 12 ; Victory Corps Land Di vision 12. HENRY ARTHUR EVANS T echnical Swimming 10 ; D ancing II ; Victory Corps 12. PHYLLIS GRIFFITH EVANS Academic Student Counc il II ; H ome Room Secretary 12; Cafeteria Patrol 10, II ; Lunch Checker 12; F ancy Work 12; Swimming Club II , 12; D ancing II ; Glee Club 11, 12; Musical Comed y II , 12; Invitation Commi ttee 12 ; Victory Corps 12; Home Nursing 12. MARGUERITE MARY FALKOWSKI Cor11mercial Home Room Secretary 10, II ; Assembl y Squad II , 12 ; K . /\ . K . II , 12; Fancy Work 10 ; Bowling_ C lub II , 12; D ancing II ; Glee C lub 11 , 12 ; M usical Com edy II , 12; Dramatic Club 10, 11 ; Garchive Editorial Staff, Staff II , 12; C lass N ight Committee 12; Victory Corps Community Ser– vice 12; H alloween D ance Comm ittee 12; Girl R eserves ll. CHARLES CARL FEDONCZAK Academic Math Club 12 ; 1-li-Y II ; Swimming 12; Band 10. SYLVIA FINKLEMAN Commercial H all Patrol 10, II ; Capt. 12; K . A. K . II ; Secretarial 12; Skating 11 ; Dancing II . 12 ; G lee Club II , 12; Musical II , 12; Dramatic Club II , 12 ; Class Nis ht Committee 12 ; T reble Cleff Club II , 12 ; Victory Corps Com– munity Service 12. IRVING FINKELSTEIN Bucknell ) r. College. LEO G . FINNEGAN A cademic Academic Bank Cashier 10 ; Swimming II ; Bowling II ; Equest ria n II ; Skating 10 ; Ping Pong I I ; Band I0, II , 12 ; Basketball Squad II ; Basketba ll 12 Base- ball 12; Victory Corps Air Division 12. .. •
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