G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access

Senior Index - - Continued ANNA LOIS JOHNSON Commercial H. R. Secretary 11. 12; Hall Patrol 10, 11, 12; Secretarial Club 12; Swim– ming 11. 12 ; Skating 11 , 12; Dancing 10, 11 , 12; Glee Club 11, 12; Musical Comedy 10. 11, 12 ; Dramatic Club 11, 12; Cheerleader 10, 11 , 12; Token Committee 12. ROBERT LEO JONES Technical Student Council 10; Assembly Squad 11 ; Hi-Y, 11, 12; Bowling 11 ; Lettermans 12; Football 12; Senior Track Manager 11 , 12; Track 12; President of Senior Class; Victory Corps Air Service 12. DOROTHY IRENE JOZAPAITIS Technical Fancy Work 10, 11 , 12; Dancing 12 ; Girls Basketball 10, 11 , 12 ; Girls Volleyball 10; Victory Corps Community Service 12. CATHERINE DOLORES JOSEPH ·_rechnical Student Council 10 ; H. R . Secretary 10; Fancy Work 12 ; Swimming 11, 12; Skating II , 12; Dancing 11 , 12; Glee Club 11 , 12; Musical Comedy 11 , 12; Victory Corps Production Service 12. ELLIS JAMES JOSEPH Academic Ping Pong Club 10, 11; Victory Corps Air Service 12. WALTER JOSEPH JOSEPH Technical Swimming 12; Outing Committee 12; Victory Corps Land Service 12. FRED P. JUDGE Technical Blue and Gray 12; Baseball Squad 12; Victory Corps Land Division 12. MIRIAM IRENE KAISER Technicyl Dancing Club ll; Victory Corps Community Division 12. FRANKMETODY KALAFUT Technical Math Club 12 ; Victory Sea Division 12. LILLIAN ALICE KAMINSKAS T echnical Student Council 11; Lunch Checker 10, 11 , 12; Ushers Squad II; Dancing 11 , 12; Girls Tea Committee 12 ; Senior Outing Committee 12; Girl Re– serves 12 ; Navigation Club 12; Victory Corps Land Division 12. OLGA KARAM Technical Bowling 11 , 12 ; Dancing 11 , 12; Dramatic Club 10, 12; Girls Tea 12. JOSEPH P. KERINS Technical H. R. Secretary 10, Bank Cashier 11; Hi-Y 12; Swimming 12; Dancing 11 , 12; Track Squad 11: Senior Tokens Committee 12: Victory Corps Sea Division 12. ANN E. KERLAVAGE Academic Bank Cashier 12; Cafteria Patrol 10; Ushers Squad I 1; Swimming Club 11 ; Bowling 11 , 12: Cosmopolitan 11; Skating 11; Dancing 11 , 12; Gar– chive Business 12 ; Girls Tea Committee Chairman 12; Outing Commiltce 12; Victory Corps Sea Service 12. HELEN LOUISE KESTER ·rechnical Victory Corps Community Service 12. FRANK GEORGE KIRKUTIS Technical Hi-Y 12; Swimming 10, 11; Dancing 10, 11 12; Football Squad 10, 11 . 12; Track Squad 10, 11 , 12 ; Gift Committee 12; Victory Corps Sea Service Division 12. MINETTE KINDLER Commercial Cafeteria Patrol 10; Secretarial Club 12 ; Skating 12; Dancing 12 ; Glee Club 12 ; Minstrel 12; Victory Corps Community Service 12. MARIAN KLEIN Commercial Hall Patrol 10 ; Cafeteria Patrol 10, Secretanal Club 12 , Bowling 12; Bowling 12; Skating 12; Dancing 12, Glee Club 11 , 12; Musical Comedy 11 , 12; Treble Clef Club 12. LEONARD JOSEPH KRATZ Technical Hi-Y 12; Speed Longhand 11 ; Lettennans 12; Football Squad 10, 11; Football 12 ; Track Squad 10, 11; Track 12; Outing Committee 12 ; Victory Corps Air Service 12. JOHN A. KRISTIANSON Technical Skating 11; Dancing 10. 11 , 12 ; Band 10, 11 , 12;0rchestra IO;GleeClub 12 ; Minstrel 12 ; Class Day Committee 12; Victory Corps Land Service 12. Tlt irt-;-Two • BEATRICE ANNE KUPRIS Academic Student Council 10; Hall Patrol 11, 12, Sw1mmmg 11 , Dancing 11, 12 · Girl Reserves 11, 12; Orchestra 10, 11, 12, Semor G1ft Committee 12; Nutrition Class 12; Victory Corps Community Service 12. CELIA HELEN LASMAN Technical Cafeteria Patrol 10, 11; Lunch Checker 12; Fancy Work Club 12; Da~cing 12; Victory Corps Community Service 12. IRVIN LENOVITZ U. S. Navy Vocational K. A. K. 10. 11 , 12; Skating 10, 11; Dancing 10, 11; Victory Corps Air Service 12. HELEN LOUISE LOCH Acadernic Student Council 11; Cafeteria Patrol 10 ; Math "Club 12; Bowling 11 ; Skating 11; Dancing 11; Dramatic Club 11 , 12; Senior P lay 12; Blue and Gray 10, 11; Garchive Business Staff 11, 12; Girls Volleyball 10; Girls Tea Committee 12; Gift Committee 12; Girl Reserves 11; Inter Club Council Rep. 12; Christmas Play 12. ELEANOR LOUISE LUFT Technical Bank Cashier 11; Assembly Squad 10, Fancy Work 10, 11; Dancing 12 ; G1 rl Reserves 12 V1ctory Corps Land Serv1ce 12. ELIZABETH JEAN LUKACH Commercial Assembly Squad 12;FancyWork 10.11 , 12;Dancing 11.12 ;GirlsVolley– ball 10, 11 , 12; Victory Corps Community Division 12. JANE CAROLINE LYNCH Commercial Cafeteria Patrol 10; Swimming 12; Bowling 12 ; Dancing 12; Garchive Business Staff 12; Girls Tea Committee 12; Senior Outing Committee 12 ; Staff Assistance 12; Victory Corps Community Division. EDMUND LYONS, Jr. U. S. Army Air Corps. Technical DOMINIC M. MACRI Acaden1ic Bank Cashier 10; Swimming Club 12; Dancing 11 , 12; Band 10, 11, 12; Glee Club 11, 12; Musical Comedy 12; Dramatic Club 10, 11, 12; Senior Play 12; Class Night Committee 12; Ping Pong 11 ; Victory Corps Air Division 12. VITO JOHN MAGDELINSKAS Technical Assembly 10, 11; Hi-Y 11, 12; Bowling Club 11: Lettermans Club 12; Skating 11; Dancing Club 11 , 12; Blue and Gray Printing Stal110, 11, 12; Basketball Squad 10; Basketball 11 , 12; Football Squad 10, 11; Footballl2; Senior Outing Committee 12; Victory Corps Air Division 12; Baseball 12. PETER MARGO Commercial H. R. Secretary 11; Hy-Speed Longhand 11. Dancing 11 , 12; Glee Club 12; Musical Comedy 12; Dramatic Club 10. 1I, 12; Blue and Gray 12 ; Victory Corps Land Service 12. ALBERT FRANCIS MARTIN Commercial Ushers Squad 11; Secretarial C lub 12; Blue and Gray Typist 12 ; Senior Gift Committee 12; Victory Corps Community Service 12. JEAN CAROLINE MARTIN Commercial Secretarial 12; Skating 12; Garchive Typist 12; Senior Girls Tea Committee 12; Senior Outing Committee 12; Victory Corps Community Service 12. JOSEPHINE CAROLYN MARTINO Technical Fancy Work 12; Dancing 11 , 12; Victory Corps Land Service 12. HILDA MAYERHOFER Academic Hall Patrol 10, 11, President 12: Assembly Squad 10, 11; Swimming 11 , 12 ; Skating 10, 11 ; Dancing 11, 12; Victory CorpsCommunity Service 12. CLAIRE McDADE Commercial Lunch Checker 12; Victory Corps Community Service. MARY REED McGOWAN Commercial Cafteria Patrol Capt. 11; Lunch Checker Capt. 10. 12; Secretarial Club 12; Dancing 12; Victory Corps Community Service 12. · •