G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access
Sen:or Index - - Continued JERRY MESSER Vocational K. A. K. II ; Band 10. II , 12; Track Squad II ,; Victory Corps Air Service 12. SIMON JOSEPH MICHAEL Technical H y-Y II , 12; Swimming II ; Fo::>tball Squad 10. II , Track Squ3d 10; V ictory Corps Sea Service 12. HELEN AGNES MILASIUS Technical K. A. K. II , 12; Fancy Work 10. II , 12; Dancing 12; Girls Basketball 10, I I, 12; Girls Volleyball I0, II ; Victory Corps Land Service 12. BRENDA NEVILLE MORGAN Academic Student T ouncil 12; Bowling II ; Skating II , D ancing 12 ; Glee C lub 12; M instrel 12 ; Dramatic Club II ; Blue and Gray II ; Editor-in-chief of Blue and Gray 12; Garchive Business II. 12 ; Chairm3n Token Committee 12; Girl Reserves 11 , 12; Christmas Play 11 , 12. SAMUEL ROSLEYNN MORGAN, Jr. Technical Student Council ll ; Bank Cashier 10 ; D ancing 10, 11 , 12 ; Band 10, II , 12; Orchestra I 0, II , 12 ; Victory Corps Sea Service 12; Outing Com– mittee 12. · WILLIAM JOHNS MORRISSEY Technical Swimming 10 ; D ancing 10, II . 12 ; Band 10. II ; Glee Club II , 12 ; M instrel 12 ; T okens Committee 12; Victory Corps Sea Service 12. DOROTHY RETA MOSES Commercial Lunch C hecker I 0, II , 12; Secretarial Club 12 ; Victory Corps Community Service 12. FLORENCE RUTH MOWERY Commercial Cafeteria Patrol 10 ; Cosmopoli tan II ; Twenty Grand 10, II ; Skating II , 12; Senior Girls Tea Committee 12. MILDRED DOROTHY MUSHINSKI Commercial Ca feteria P atrol 10 ; Skat in~ '!0 ; Dancing II ; G irls Volleyba ll 10 ; Victory Corps Community Service 12. GLORIA D. MUSSER Academic D ancing 12; Glee Club 12; Victory Corps Community Service 12. HELEN MARIE NARDONE Commercial Shorthand Artists 12 ; Victory Corps Community Service 12 ; N utrition Class 12. ELIZABETH A. NAUM Commercial Lunch Checker I 0, II , 12 ; Ushers Squad II ; Secretaria l Club II . 12 ; Senior Gi rls Tea Committee 12; Senior Gift Committee 12 ; Victory Corps Communi ty Service 12. BARBARA NORKUS Techn ical Dancing II , 12; Staff Assistance 12; Victory Corps Community Service 12. ROBERT A. NOVAKOWSKI Academic Usher Squad II ; Band 10, II , 12; Senior Outing Committee 12; Victory Corps Air Division 12. WILLIAM JOHN NOVICK U. S. Navy Technical STANLEY NOWINSKI Academic Student Council 10 ; Math C lub 12 ; Hi-Y II ; Band 10. 11 , 12 ; Senior Invitation Committee 12; Ping Pong II ; Vice-President 12 ; Chess Club 10. MILDRED OBERAITES Technical Cafteria Patrol 10, II ; D ancing II. 12; G irls T ea 12; Class N ight Com– m ittee 12; Victory Corps Land Oi vision 12. JAMES LEWIS O'CONNELL V ictory Corps Air Di vision 12. LAURAANN H. OLENlAK Technical Commercial Hall Patrol 10. II . 12, Secretan al Club 12, l-aney Work 10 ; Dancing 12; G1rl R eserves II , 12, V1ctory Corps Commumty Serv1ce 12. • BERNADINE M . OPET Technical Student Council 10 ; Homeroom Secretary 12 ; Bank Cashier 10 ; Hall Pat rol 12; Ca feteri a Patrol 10, II ; Library Club II , 12; Swimming II , 12 ; B::>wling II ; Cosm:>politan II ; Eguestrian 10, II ; D ancing II , 12; Glee Club 12; M instrel 12 ; Blue an:! Gray II , 12; Garchive Business II , 12 ; Class D ay Committee 12; Girl Reserves II , 12; Victory Corps Com– munity Service 12. EDWARD J. ORLOSKI Technical Math Club P resident 12; Victory Corps Air Service 12. DOROTHY MAE OWENS Academic H ome Ro::>m Secretary 12; Ca feteri a Patrol Assistant Captain 10, I I ; Ca fteria Patrol Captain 12; Ushers Squad II ; Skating II ; Victory Corps Community Service 12; H ome Nursing 12. MARTIN LEONARD PADUCK Technical Band 10, l l , 12; Orchestra 10, 11 , 12; Musical Comedy 10, 11, 12; Victory Corps Land Service 12. EMILY MARIE PALKA Commercial Bowling 12 ; Swimming 12; D ancing 11 , 12. YOLANDA PALLADINO Technical FLORENCE ANN PASKONIS Technical Hall Patrol 10 ; Assembly Squad II ; Dancing II , 12; Victory Corps Com– munity Service 12. IRENE PATSKO Commercial Assistant Bank Cashier 12 ; Assembly Squad II ; Secretarial Club 12; Garchi ve Typist 12; Senior Invitation Committee 12; V ictory Corps munity Service 12. HELEN MARY PAWLOWSKI Commercial D ancing II , 12 ; GJrchive Business Staff 12; Senior Girls T ea Committee 12; Staft Assistant 12; Victory Corps Community Service 12. KENNETH E. PERSCHAU Technical Bank Cashier 10, II ; Hi-Y II . 12; Bowl ing I I; Lcttermans II ; Blue and G ray Print Staff 10, II , 12; Basketball 10, II ; Baseball II ; Senior Class N ight Committee 12; Victory Corps Sea Service 12. ANTHONY J. PETERS Techn ical Bank Cashier I 0, II ; Hi-Y II , 12; Shorthand Artists II ; H y-Speed Long– hand II ; Skating 10, II ; Dancing II , 12 ; Senior Play 12; Senior C lass Night Committee 12 ; Victory Corps Sea Service 12; Hi-Y President 12. WILLIAM PETHICK Hi-Y II , 12 ; Dancing 12; Victory Corps Land Division 12. EUGENE P. PETTINGER Math Club 12; Swimming 12; Victory Corps Air Service 12. JOHN PRIESTASH Math Club 12 ; H i-Y 12. EDWARD W. RAS Techn ical Technical Technical Technical Hi-Y 12; Bowling II ; Letterm ans 10, II , 12; D ancing II , 12; Football 10, II , 12; Baseball 10, II , Senior Outing Committee 12; Victory Corp A ir Service, Captain 12. SHIRLEY RASHESKY Technical Hall Patrol 10 ; Girls Tea Committee 12 ; Victory Corps Community Service 12. EUGENE RAYMOND ROEBUCK Techn ical Student Council 10, II ; Hi-Y 12; Bowling I I; Equestrian II ; Letter– m ans Club I 0 ; Vice-President II ; President 12; Dancing I 0, II . 12; Football Squad 10; Football II , 12; Basketball 10, I I ; Baseball 10, Captain II ; C hairman Outing Committee 12; Victory Corps Air Service, Captain 12. JACK ROSENBAUM U . S. Army Technical MARVIN ROTH Academic Student Council I0 ; Home Room Secretary II; Mat h Club 12 ; Victory Corps Sea Service 12.
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