G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access
Organizations - - Continued JUNIOR RED CROSS ... Schools are often called upon to do work in the interest of of some outside group or organization to further a worthy cause. It was for this purpose that Miss Hourigan organized the .Junior Red Cross. Thirty-six members comprise the club. During the holidays t he members of t he club made some notebooks and favors for the conva lescents in various hospitals. The purpose is to cheer patients and to a id in their recovery. Writing folios have been designed and made by the members for many service men at various camps. GIRL RESERVES . . . Any junior or senior. girl with the ambition of atta ining her goal in life may become a member of the Girl R eserves. T he aim of t he sixty-five members is to build a fellowship of women and girls devoted to the tasks of realizing in common life the ideals of personal and social living. Meetings are conducted by Grace Davis, the club president. The meeting time is spent discussing the clubs problems and social activities. Many new acquaintances have been made through the club's various social events. BOYS' PING PONG One of the most popular of the clubs at G. A. R. is the Pinq; Pong,Club, which is composed of junior and senior boys. All members are Latin students. Under the superv ision of Mr. Miller, the boys meet to cha llenge their fellow classmates at a game of ping pong. Much enthusiasm is shown as the boys compete fo r championship. It is considered a great accomplish– ment b y the members if they defeat Mr. M iller. HI-Y . . . We ha ve a ll heard of the excell~nt sportsmanship which has a lways been displayed at G. A. R. One of the reasons for this sportsmanship is the Hi-Y Club. The club is composed of junior and senior boys for t he purpose of becomin\l good a ll round sports. At the semi-monthly meetings activity is pro– vided for a ll. M r. Edward Casey, the advisor, along with the student officers plan various socia l activities to be held through the yea r. A Hi-Y trophy was awa rded the boys for their excellent work during the past yea r. LETTERMEN'S CLUB . .. As the seasons ad vance, the sport pa rade progresses. New stars appear in football , baseba ll, basketball and track. There is one place where all the atheltic sta rs of G. A. R. meet at the same time, that is the Lettermen's Club. The boys meet weekly with their ad visor, Mr. Smith. Various viewpoints concerning athletic events are discussed by the boys at their meetings. Another goal which the members strive to atta in is good sportsmanship in a ll of G. A. R .'s athlet ic activities. MR. THOMAS' BOWLING CLUB During the past few yea rs when bowling became one of our most popular means of pastime, the Girls' Bowling C lub was organized with twenty-five girls of the eleventh and t welfth grades. M r. T homas acts as advisor. Assisted by six ~ap tains, M r. Thomas teaches t he girls t he correct steps for bowling skill. Each girl has shown a great dea l of improvement during the year. The interest in bowling has greatly increased since this club has been organized. FANCY WORK CLUB ... The Fancy Work Club, composed of senior high school girls has just completed its seventh success ful year. The advisor. Mrs. Eva Lipiec deserves a great deal of credit for the fine work the girls have done during the past year. All types of needle work are taught to the club members. Besides t heir own hand work, the girls made clothing for War R efugees a nd t he R ed C ross. Parties, hikes, and educat iona l tours of local industries comprise the social act ivities of this clever group of girls. • MISS FORD'S BOWLING CLUB . . . A club which is very popular among the members of the junior high school is the bowling club which was organi zed by Miss Ford during the past yea r. Membership for t he club is open to gi rls in the ninth and tenth grades. The clubs meetings a re held on Thursdays . Each team tries to equa l or better its scores throughout the year. A great improvement has been shown in the girls' bowling skill during the first year of the club. GIRLS' SWIMMING CLUB . Under the guidance o f Mrs. Lou\lhran, the girls who are in senior high school and have an interest in sw imming, are taught swimming, diving, and water safety. Each girl is expected to show s::>me improvement during the year. Begin– ners are expected to learn to swim, a nd intermediates to advance. The experienced swimmers are expected to do their best to improve themselves by learning water safety and di ving. T he club has just completed its fourth success ful year. DRAMATIC CLUB This club, under the capable supervision of Miss Cora E. Edwards has rendered a great dea l of service to the school as well as enjoyment. The students receive training in stage technique, pantomime, voice diction , and poise. The students work on experimental plays and those qualified appear in the major stage productions which are presented at G. A. R . The C hristmas Pageant, Senior Play and Armist ice Program a re a major part of the clubs presentations. THE KEY CLUB ... The K ey club was organized. for members of Junior High School, b y Miss Ford. The purpose of the club is to C(ssist the Junior R ed C ross. Twenty-five members comprise the club. During the year the members ass isted M iss Wentzel's depart– ment in making holiday tokens for patients in the va rious government hospita ls. They have a ided the R ed Cross. An– other task which the club has accomplished during the past yea r was collecting five thousand keys for defens;e. These keys will be turned over to the government. USHERS .. Entertainments, assemblies, dances, and the Ushers. The ushers are a group of junior boys and girls who must have personality, a high scholastic standing , and the ability of getting along well with others. The supervisor of this squad is Mr. Highriter. H e is assisted by two capable senior head ushers, who a re Margaret Conwell and Robert Ddrang. The duty of an usher is to courteously assist people to their seats during ehterta inments, assemblies, a nd marion pictures. It is a .great honor to b e an usher at G. A. R. NUTRITION CLASS ... T h e class in Red C ross N utrition is a part of t he Victory .Program of courses now given in H igh Schools in cities of the United States. The girls in the class a re Seniors, who, upon completion of the course, will be recommend ed for the R ed Cross certificate issued from Washington. They will then be el igible for a dmit– tance into any class in Red Cross Canteen work, which will be sponsored by headquarters. Miss Cotton, the instructor, has the R ed C ross certificate for teaching iss\.!ed by Washington for adults or High School. STAGE CREW .. . The work of this sma ll, but efficient group of boys has been a great help to G. A. R. It is the duty of t_he State Crew to be on hand during assembly programs a nd s'tage productions. Besides assisting with man y stage adjustments, the crew re– ceives practica l instructions in correct methods of constructing a nd manipulation scenery, lighting, and properties. They display their a bility in proper stage settings and their ta lents in handling stage equipmen t at any activity produced on the stage. •
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