G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access

FOOTBALL • First Row: Scott, Bowles, Kane. T ronovitch, mgrs. Second Row: W. Jones. Hoffman Basler. Skawski, Swenski, Ma!ldelmskas. Ras. Roebuck, C hm•ola, Uzdilla, Wienstock. Third Row: Mr. Koons, Assistant Coach; J ackson, 0 Donnell, 0 Rourke. Williamson, Kirkutis, R. Jones, H olzman, Kratz, G riffith, Ross, Brown, Conwell Mr. Casey, Coach. Fourth Row: Talarsky, Pallidino, Moresco, Dombrosky, Butkus, Behm, George, Adams, Zaikowsky, Wivell. Kalafut, Caruso, Klepaski, Snee, Rinker. Fifth Row: Hyder, Compton, Blocker, Bromfield, Kastrab, Keating, Fe.ndler, Sielicki, Patsy, McFadden, 0 Ra,·itz, Serhan, Kutney, Gutterman, Zekas. Beginning the football season with a n inexperienced team and a new coach, G. A. R. faced a bleak year in the way of football. However, M r. Casey, head football coach, with the able assistance of Mr. Koons, prophesied that the team would win some games as they had what it takes. The first game was an exhibition contest at Williamsport. H ere the Grenadiers made a good show ing although they had to take the tai l-end of the score 25 to 13. G. A. R .'s fi rst con– fe rence game was at La rksvi lle where the Carmen defeated the "Green R aiders", for the first time, to the tune o f 13 to 6. With this victory under their belts, the Hilltoppers took on Nant icoke, at Nant icoke a nd handed them the short end of a 20 to 9 score for t heir sceond stra ight victory. On a very sloppy field the "G renadiers" were defeated by a strong Hanover eleven by a score of 18 to 0. Staggered by a great many losses on the varsity sq uad, the "Hilltoppers" lost 19 to 14 to a powerful Plymouth team. Sixty-T<Lo Hoping to make a o meback for these two bsses, the Gar– men started an areal attack in the Plains game. Between both teams, a total of 57 passes were thrown with Pla ins capit– alizing on many of them to win 20 to 7. Meeting Coughlin on Coughlin's field , the "Hilltoppers" put up a hard fight but were outclassed and suffered another setback to the tune of 15 to 0. On a n extremely cold day , G. A. R . went down to defeat at the ha nds of Kingston by an 18 to 0 score. The last conference game was with Meyers, the Conference Champions. lt was a close game until Meyers capital ized on G. A. R . ·s injuries. The fina l score read Meyers 7-G. A. R. 0. G.A.R. 13 Williamsport 25 G.A.R. 13 Larksville 6 GAR. 20 Nanticok e 9 GAR. 0 Hanover 18 G A R. 14 Plymouth 19 GAR. 7 Plairl's 20 GAR. 0 Coughlin 15 GAR. 0 Kingston 18 G.A.R. 0 Meyers 7