G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access

• THE CALENDAR Week of September 8 . . . School begins: new courses in Aeronuatics under Mr. Tope; commando type gym training, and a vocational course starring shops. Week of September 13 . . . Orderly' Chaos! Schedules are out and classes begin. The team loses an exhibition game to Williamsport but proves it can take it and that we do have a fighting team. Look out conference! Here we come! Week of September 20 Tranquillity reigns, for the shock of getting used to books has passed (as if it could) . Team beats Larksville. The Band plays in a parade sponsored by the army---: tanks, jeeps, peeps, and everything; some fun. Week of September 27 . . . One day this week Norma Bernstein did not tie her shoelaces all day! Team pul– verizes Nanticoke. Blue and Gray sub– scriptions begin with a flourish . Week of October 4 . . . · "Si" Michaels beat the rest of the gym class over the main wall from the middle of the field and back again: says Si, 'Tm (gasp) breathless". Band plays . at the dedication of a flag, once flown over the White House, for the Boy Scouts of the Heights district. Week of October 11 . . . :·charley" arrives and starts taking pictures, helped by the Garchive staff- which reminds us. Did you dear people ever hear "Charley" whistle? The team goes down fighting to the Hanover eleven 18 to 0. • Week of October 18 ... The wheels start rolling to form a 'Victory Corps' throughout the school under the supervision of Mr. Baiz. Cheerleaders, team band, plus lots and lots of students have pep-meet as guests of the Orpheum. The team comes out underneath in a heart– breaker to Plymouth, score 19-4. Week of October 25 . . . Eugene Pettinger walks down the hall with . a big piece of cake; Smash-is he mobbed ! Hollowe'en Dance is a grand success. The team is kept in the air by Plains and can't get down while they. roll up 21 points to our 7. Week of November 1 . . . All boys 17 and 18 are learning how to swim at Meyer's pool. Ras knocks so much water out of the pool that it had to be refilled three times. The team drops another to Coughlin, 15-0. Week of November 8 . . . Band plays in the Armistice Day Parade; it is just about the finest parade seen around here since any of us can remember . "Sadi Hawkin's Day"-Wow!-Pearl Davis is our choice for "Daisy Mae". Kingston stops stops our boys in a fridgid game 18-0. Week of November 15 ... Senior boys are showing Garchive proofs– dosen· t Goldberg look malicious? Week of November 22 At Pep meet, seniors in the band , cheer– leading section, and all of the team are introduced , Our boys hold down the master– fu l Meyers' team to 7-0, (they spotted us 18). Congratulations fellows . During t he half; Uncle Sam chases out the 'axis'. The latter is represented by a donkey. Sc:vent1"Five