G.A.R. High School 1943 Yearbook (Wilkes-Barre, PA) - Full Access
• The Calendar - - ·Continued Week of November 29 . Brass choir starts-six part harmony, no lessl Barometer records lowest in Mr. High– writer's expe rience here- 28 inches, and Kenny Pershau hits a new high (we think it' s a low too) in wisec racks a nd quips. Week of December 13 . . . G. A. R . Band is picked 'All-Scholastic Band of Wyoming Valley' by the Sunday Independent. Felicitations fellows , every– one is proud of you. A representative of . B. C. speaks to Senior High about radio and its place in the future . Week of December 10 ... The 'Ca t and the Canary' is shown here ; Such-hair-standing-on-end you· ve never seen I Last minute excuse signing, book packing, and season's greetings, a nd Christmas vaca– tion is here at last. Week of December 27 . . . No school but Mr. Steinhauer's homeroom comes out second in the number of tin cans they could collect in a contest with Mr. Ruddy's homeroom so-o-o-o Mr. Steinhauer ceremoniousl y pushes Mr. Ruddy up Lehigh Street in a wheelbarrow- such going-<;ms ' Week of January 10 .. About ninety per cent of the Senior boys are go ing to be 18 before September; about 75 per cent of this number expect to enlist soon. Fred Evans, in trying out hi s strength pu lls down a flourescent lamp in s hop . Oiy, is he strong I .fO I defeats 402 in a t in con– test. Result 401 a re honored at party given by 402 in library. .Sev~tlly-Six • Week of January 17 ... Subscription campaign starts fo r the Garchive and the edi torial and business staff> are going around and around trying to get things straight. Bill Abrahams zoot su it takes us by storm. Senior boys see very excellent pictures on weather and airplanes. Week of January 24 . . . Business staff and ed itorial staff take part in a Garchive skit which they perform for the students and the campaign is on. Some seniors announce they are leaving for college; this includes Finklestein, Gelb and Goldberg -who's going to li ven things up now 7 June Hause has already left for Penn State. The heaviest snowfall of the year swamps the Valley and everybody walks home by way of the middle road . Week of January 31 The second semester begins and the boys prepare to take gym five times a week ; the boys taking the course in radio are told it is to become a regul ar class ; among other things they • will lea rn the Morse code– teachers had better watch that t apping pencil from now on! The boys walk very carefull y now ; push-ups and set-ups in gym have them so weak they can hardly stand up. The Band plays at the station for the boys leavi ng fo r se rvice. Mr Wood , in Cgypt, sends a letter say ing he has heard of our Banu way ove r t here. Movies a rc shown in the a udi tor ium at the ~nd of each lunch period .
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