Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

Officers President . Jean Lona ~'ice-President Marlene Orlando ecretary Carmella DeBatto Treasurer . Evelyn Filoreto M't'neer Rep.Mary Jane tanziola Adriser Mr. Frank Persico The II Dante lub, named in honor of a great Italian literary figure, con– i ted of Italian students who were intere ted in increasing their knowledge of the language, the cu toms, and the tradition of the Italian people. The II Dante lub met every third Monday of the month under the ca– pable supervi ion of Mr. Frank Persico to carry on the activities of the year, the mo t important of which wa "La o e Italiana", an Italian new paper publi ~d twice yearly. 1'~~\. 103 Jt8