Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

B RTON HALL Dir ctor nder the capable direction of Mr. Burton Hall, the Hazleton High chool ymphony Orche tra ha met with another ucce ful year. Orche tra mu ic wa part of our extra-curricular programs which included many of the The pian Production . The high pot of the year' activitie wa the pring Festival in which the orche tra participated. The per onnel i a follow Violin 1 Taney Markward, Gerald Ko tiuk, Loi Enoch, Helen Demjani h, Debby Hir h, Dale Buehler, Thomas ndrey, Nancy Baran. Bass Violin George Lipko, George Ferrey. Piano Marilyn George. Clarinet Paul Toma ick, John hladon. Cello Jeanette Purdy, Joyce oggle. Trumpet Eugene Buglio, Floyd Beltz. Trombone Lowell Jon . Flute Nancy Ko tenbauder. Oboe James Geffert. axophone Anthony Anella, Michael Prokop. Horn Evelyn ida, Fred Mader. Percus ion Jo eph u ati . 119