Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

gunned in dazzling :<hots from all corners of the court to end up with :.!1 points for his night's work. Hyde also shot well to score 15 points. Sippel and Ledger played a fine ball game. January 30 Hazleton 66 Sunbury 33 Hazleton slaughtered the winners of the Susquehanna League by a wide margin. Jimmy Mlasgar and Sonny Hyde again did most of the scoring. ick Ledger played his usual good floor game. Sunbury tried to prevent the Mount– aineer from scoring by setting up a 1-3-1 zone, but the Mounts could not be stopped. February 6 Hazl.eton 66 Phillipsburg 46 In an historical contest the Mountaineers vanquished their out-of state OJJPOnent. . The game was close until the final quarter when the Mountaineers swept the Gray and Red ofT their feet with a 2 point barrage. Sonny Hyde had 22 point ; Jimmy Mlasgar, 17; and "Dead-Pan" Sippel, 10. ick Ledger was again the defensive ace. February 10 Hazleton 29 Williamsport 53 After riding high, wide, and handsome for the last five games, a sluggish Mountaineer team went down to a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Bill– porters. Hazleton was definitely outclassed and was behind 19-6 at the quarter and 21-11 at the half. In the last half the score continued to mount. Ledger had 9; Mlasgar, 11 to account for most of th,e scoring. February 17 Hazleton 64 Pottsville 36 Undergoing a complete rever. al of form, the McGeehanites opened their quest for the second-half flag with the mashing victory over Pottsville. After a slow, dull, opening period, Hazleton steadily built up a wide margin. ick Ledger, who played beautiful ball, had 17 counters. The Mountaineers dis– played classy teamwork and evenly distributed the team's scoring. This proved that Hazleton had a well-balanced attack. February 20 Hazleton 39 · Bethlehem 44 After playing inspired, determined, spirited ball, the MeG ehan clan lost a heartbreaker to the crack Hurricanes. Even though the team,was defeated, Vince 0. adchy's spectacular performance off the backboards will long be re– membered by H. H. S. fans. He, him~elf, controlled more than 50' 1 of there– bounds off both boards. ick Ledger, the team's most consistent member, played a magnificent game and compil d 14 point ; Danny Dura, 12. The con– test was one of the speediest and mo t exciting ever waged in the Blue and White gym. The boys enjoyed a short-lived point lead in the 3rd quarter. The fire-brand baskete rs from Bethlehem copped the victory in the final min– utes of play. nbelievable tough luck while shooting andipoor foul shooting helped to give Bethlehem the pennant. Even so, the team shone in defeat. February 27 Hazleton 45 Easton 44 An underdog Hazleton team succes fully battled the Easton Rover at Easton. The game was the closest of the season, and the outcome could not be foretold until after the final whistle was blown. ick Ledger, although handicapped by per:onal fouls, still found time to bang in 12 tallies. Jimmy Mia. gar regained his shooting eye and hit for 11. The fighting Mountaineers were able to come out on top wh n Easton's last second splurge fell short of its mark. M arch 2 Hazleton 44 Allentown 52 Although Hazleton wanted very badly to win the final game of the season, they were beaten by a not-lo-b -denied Allentown aggregation. The game was very close until the closing min :.~tes of the contest. Ledger again excelled at p int-getting, managing to score 16 lallie~. The other members of the squad bO\\ed out of their high school basketball career · in a blaze of glory. 1-11 •• !78