Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

Wh tber it' a a e by \\~d uwood ... a pi <' of r cmn ulpture ... the prin iple r main the same-thaL quality of workman hip i long-li ed. It wear well. Th name J eddo-Ilighland ha worn well, too. m 1858, the premium qualit of thi fine anthracite ha be n care– full and con i tently maintained by the highest tandards of preparation. ll . I JEDDO-HIGHLAND COAL COMPANY ARISTOCRAT OF ANTHRACITE JEDDO, PENNSYLVANIA REMEMBER it is what you save, not what you earn, lhat makes you independent! Saving something, no matler how little, and depositing it at interest, is the foundation of all success. Open a Savings Account at interest here, make regular deposits out of your earnings, and let us put them to work for you. FIRST NATIONAL BANK HAZLETON, PA. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Federal Reserve System 159