Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

COMPLIME TS OF Gut ie' afe On-the-Heights We cater to parties Phone 9116 COMPLIME TS OF Glohman' SPORTSWEAR LINGERIE "The Little Store with Big Values" Capitol Theatre Building Phone 5508 Hazleton, Pa. GET ON THE TRAIN of TOMORROW You will always find advanced Ideas in Office Furniture and Fixtures when you visit The orth ales Co. 30 Ea t Broad Street Office Machines Cash Registers Typewriters Kling rman' Texaco Service Station Mount Laurel !18 176 Hyman' tores For Smart Young Men and Women Pollock & Mann JOHNSON SEA-HORSE Hunting and Fishing Supplies PE DLETON SHIRTS 333-335 W. Broad Street COMPLIME TS OF Joe's Auto Repair Shop W.-B. Hazleton Hwy. Phone Drums 27-R-14 COMPLIMENTS OF A. Chaskin Jeweler