Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

AIELLO, RALPH ''Tarzan'' Happy-go-lucky be t de cribes Tarzan. He spend mo t of his time with his drums but still finds time for football games. Best wi hes, Tarzan, in whatever you undertake. A DERSO , DORETHEA "Shorty" This capable . ecretary-trea~urer of the Library Club chooses bas– ketball as her favorite sport. The Empire Beauty College will receive a very promising student when Shorty begins her training there. Senior Library Cadettes A ELLA, A THO Y "Glen" Wherever there is a pretty girl, Tony can be found flirting. He pends mo t of his time with his sax and clarinet. Tony plans to become a doctor. Band Thespians Der Deutsche Verein A CIIARSKI, CHARLES "Charlie" Fun-loving Charlie hails from Vocational. Having a keen in– terest in all sports, he pends much of his time following up the game.-;. .his life ambition is to be a machinist. Hi-Y A DREWS, PAULINE "Biondie" Blondie, one of our commercial lassies, hru two fine hobbies, talking and men. Basketball al o ranks high with her. Her future plans are to be a secretary. Mountaineer Thespians ./anus Cadettes Oratory A GELO, ROBERT "Bobby" Bobby's witty remarks and friend– ly dispo ition account for the many friends he ha . He is inter– e ted in airplanes and plans to make flying his life work. ..J R N U .r ~ 1 5I 4 El A TOLICK, ROBERT "Bob" This red-haired lad is one of the comedians of 201. He is one of the school's ardent stamp collec– tors. His life ambition is to be– come a basketball player. ATOR, GEORGE "Junior" Junior is one of the honor students of H. H. S. His life ambition is to become a chemist. This fun-loving, friendly boy is bound to ucceed. AVILLIO , DOLORES "Pavil" Pavil, who is full of good humor, enjoys a fast-moving game of basketball. Her sunny dispo ition will be useful to her in office work. Thespians Oratory Cadettes 24 ASKLER, LAWRE CE "Larry" This blond, curly-haired fellow is a friend to all. Larry likes tinkering with electrical thing' and will urely succeed in his own shop. AUBREY, ALVA "Alva" Horseback riding is thi charming lass's favorite pastime. Her plans for the future are undecided, but with her keen sense of humor and charming personality, she will go far. Swimming Le Cenacle Oratory Thespians Cadelles BAKER, WILLIAM "Bill" Bill, vice-president of the Thespian Club, can usually be found memo– rizing his part. His ability to make friends gives him a prominent place in the cla.o;s of '4 Thespians