Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

GA CI, VIVIA "Viv" Thi cute senior mi , who pos– e es a charming personality, is one of our outstanding majorettes. Viv plays the piano in her spare time. Arter graduation she intends to enter college. Choral Majorettes Cadettes Le Cenacle GEFFERT, JAMES "Jimmy" Jimmy is an all-around fellow. As vice-pre ident of Band and pres– ident of the Lincoln Debating Club, he serve well. He also does an excellent job as sports editor of the Mountaineer. Lincoln Debating Janus Canteen Orchestra Band Thes7:rians Der Deutsche Verein Hi- Y M ottntaineer GE NARO,BETTY "Scot" Betty is one of our musically-tal– ented seniors. Playing the clarinet and singing are her favorite pas– time . To enter the opera is her life ambition. Choral Advanced Chorus GEDMAN, THERESA "Terry" Terry, one of our academic lasses from 209, alway has a smile for everyone. She can be seen at all the ba ketball games of H. H. S. Her life ambition is to become a nur e. Oratory La Tertulia GELSOMI 0, NU ZIO " unz" Playing baseball is top with this humorous lad. Wherever there is fun, unz can be found. After graduating, he plans to enter the tool and die-making field. GEORGE, MARILYN "Lynn" Lynn erves well as associate ed– itor of the Mountaineer and al o as pianist for both Orchestra and Advanced Choru . With her plea– ing personality she is bound to go far in life. Advanced Clwrus Janus Thes7Jians Mountaineer Clwral Oratory La Tertulia Orchestra Cadettes 1 5I 4 El ~ R N U .r GETZ, EDGAR "Eddy" Eddy is a member of the band and orchestra. Basketball i , without a doubt, his favorite sport. To become an engineer i hi plan for the future. GLIEM, EARL "Earl" \ Earl, one of our vocational lads, wins many friends with his sense of humor. He especially enjoys an exciting football game and likes to experiment in the chemi try lab. GICKI G, ROBERT "Gicks" This fun-loving lad and his trom– bone are a great asset to the H. H. S. Band. Gick plans to enter Bucknell after graduation. Suc– ce s awaits him in whatever he undertakes. Orchestra Band GLA CE, ED A "Eddie Lou" Eddie Lou is a very weet girl with a hearty laugh. Music i her hobby a well a her special talent. She plan to enter Cedar Crest College to prepare her elf for dietetic work. Band Cadettes Orchestra anteen GOLIAS, JOH "Johnny" Oratory Swimming Hunting is Johnny's favorite hob– by, while baseball ranks high in hi sports' world. His vocational electricity class will help him to become an electrician in the future.