Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

GOMBEDA, EDWARD "Eddy" Eddy can always be found with a smile on his face. His favorite pastime is watching a fast basket– ball game. As yet his future plans are undecided. GREGORY, MARY LOU "Gregory" This friendly girl spends her spare time either swimming or dancing. She prefers baseball in the line of sports. Her life ambition is to be– come a beautician. GROHMAN, DONALD "Dee" This quiet lad spends his spare time tying fishing flies, and of course, fishing rates as his favor– ite sport. Dee hopes to become a business man in the future. GORDO ,ESTHER "Es" Brunette and vivaciou , Es holds the admiration of many in H. H. S. Swimming is on the top of her list of sports, and her hobby is reading. To have her own kinder– garten is Es's life ambition. Thespians Oratory Cadettes Swimming GRE KEVICH, RICHAI3-D "Stinky" Stinky, a vocational lad, lists me– chanical drawing as his favorite subject. Hunting and fishing take up a great deal of his leisure time. He plans to become an architec– tural engineer. GUERRIERI, RITA "Rita" For this charming girl, a game of basketball is always tops, although she also enjoys playing the sax and clarinet. She has chosen book– keeping as her career. ~ R N u J 1 a 4 e GUNZERATH, JOH "Jack" Jack, a quiet lad with a great sense of humor, is well-liked by every– one. He enjoys football and bas– ketball games. To travel and see the world is his life ambition. HABER, RUTH "Ruthie" Ruthie is the high-stepping leader of our majorettes. Her genial per– sonality should be a great asset to her when she enters Jefferson Hospital to study surgery. Der Deutsche Verein Choral Band Thespians Orchestra Majorettes HANINCIK, FRANK "Frank" Frank is a quiet fellow with a nice personality. Most of his spare time is spent in hunting, trapping, and swimming. His life ambition is to become a precision machinist. 36 GUSCOTT, SHIRLEY "Shorty" A sincere friend to all, Shorty wishes to become an air hostess. Her pleasant di position is sure to make her outstanding in this field. Cadettes Photography HAMETZ, LILLIAN "Lil'' Lil chooses dancing as one of her favorite pastimes. Her cheery mile accounts for her popularity with her classmates. Her plan for the future is to become a book– keeper. HARKINS, HUGH "Hughie" The quiet disposition of this lad has gained him a host of friends in H. H. S. Hughie chooses baseball as his favorite sport. His post– graduate plan is to become a bu i– nessman.