Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

3 HOFFMAN, JU E "Junie" Junie, our pert little typist of the Janu Starr, has a winning smile for everyone. She rates basketball as her favorite sport. She will certainly be a successful stenog– rapher. Janus HOFFMAN, RICHARD "Zombie" Zombie, a quiet vocational lad, chooses football a his favorite sport. He will surely attain his life ambition, which is to be a ma– chini t. HOLLICK, LEO ARD "Lenny" lenny i a quiet student, but his pleasant di position is admired by all. A bright future lies ahead for Lenny in becoming a successful florist. HOFFMAN, ELDA JAY E Lively, talkative, and humorous best describe ed. She has two interesting hobbies, collecting handkerchiefs and collecting for– eign coins. To travel in the Euro– pean countrie is the desire of this Ia . Student Council Oratory Swimming Mountaineer Cadettes Thespians HOLLAND, MARJORIE "Midge" This active lass has made a repu– table mark in the annals of H. H. S. She erves capably as treasurer of Swimming Club and bu iness– manager of Oratory. Merchan– dising is included in her future plans. adettes Swimming Oratory Thespians HOLMA , ROBERT "Bob" Bob, a good-looking senior, i a definite asset to the band. Danc– ing, at which he excel , i a favor– ite pastime. His post graduate plan is to study dentistry. Orchestra Thespians Band Der Deutsche Verein Janus Hi- Y ~ R N u J 1 a 4 e HOMA, ELIZABETH "Betty" Betty' high schola tic record make her an outstanding com– mercial student. Basketball rates a her favorite sport. To become a stenographer is her future plan. Af ountaineer Janus HORNACK, JOHN "Issac" Issac, an active vocational tudent, plans to make mechanics his life work. In the line of sports he en– joys hunting, while collecting guns is his special hobby. HOR ACK, ROBERT "Brum" Brum appear to be quiet, but anyone who knows him finds he has quite a sense of humor. He will be successful in everything he undertakes. HORLACHER, ROBERT "Whitey" Whitey is a vocational lad who hails from Drums. He lists base– ball as his number one sport. In the future he hopes to become a tool and die-maker. HORNACK, MARY LOUISE "Mary Lou" This mi with her sparkling per– sonality certainly adds omething to H. H. S. Ba ketball is top on her list of sports. Mary Lou's fu– ture plans are undecided. horal Le enacle Janus HORSFIELD, DOLORES "Dodie" Dolores is a girl with a sweet per– sonality, who wins the hearts of all who know her. She pends her leisure time in sketching and oil painting. Good luck, Dodie. Oratory adettes