Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

HO ER, CHARLES "Chas" Cha , a handsome lad from the Printing Department, plans to become a profe. ~ional bru eball player. wimming occupies some of hi time, and he can always b found in the mid. t of fun. HOU EKNECHT, LOI "Lolo" Lolo i a true friend to all who know her. Mathematics claims first place in school ubjects. he plan to go to the Mercy Hospital to become a nur~e. La Tertulia H DOCK, MARY "Mary" Thi fun-loving lass po ses a plea ing personality. Most of her leisure time is pent in dancing. he plans to enter the business field when she graduates. radelles HOUSER, ROSEMARIE "Butch" Butch, who ha quite a voice, will always be remember d as the op– timist of 107. he is a definite asset to the Home Economics Department. adettes HOWELLS, MAROLYN "Mar'' This swe t lass s rves v ry effi– ciently in many high school clubs. Her favorite sport is football. Luck to you, liar, when you don the garb of a nur . Thespians Swimming adeltes Oratory La Tertulia HUDOCK, RICHARD "Dick" Thi enterprising young man's life ambition is to become a phar– macist. Wherever a football game is being played, Dick is sure to be found rooting for the home team. 1 a 4 El .J R N U .r H DOCK, TEPHEN nny" onny is a happy-go-lucky boy who can g t along with anyone. Hi humor is alway appreciated by his fellow cla~smate . Succe:,s in the rutur • onny. H N INGER, DOLORE "Red" Red, quiet and sweet, has many friends who attest to her charm. he i considered a r ally grand person by all who know her. As yet her plans for the future ar undecided. Cadettes HYDE, ANTHONY '' onny" This hand om lad is well-deserv– ing or his popularity, for he has shown his ability on the basketball court and in filling the office or pre ident of the senior clas . Your future look bright and successful, Sonny. General Assembly Student Council HUME ICK, LEO ''Swede" wede's life ambition is to b come an automotive technician. He claims fishing hi favorite sport and can often be found making his own sporting equipment in his leisure time. HUTTENSTINE, EDITH "Edith" Edith, one of our quiet girl , spends her leisure hours either skating or dancing. Having pe– cial intere t and ability in sales– work, she plans to make thi her future occupation. ILE , JO EPH "Joe" Joe plays an active part in school life by rving as vice-pr ident of Digg r and treasurer of Band. Model jet racer , ping pong, and mu ic occupy most of Joe' spare time. His future plan are unde– cided. Orchestra La Tertulia Diggers Band 39