Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

1 ARGOL, THEODORE . "Teddy" Teddy, a quiet lad, is an all-round fellow and sports' fan. Basketball rates fir t on his sports' li t. Be– cause he is an active vocational student, he plans to become a printer after gra.duation. KA CHAK, THOMAS "Tommy" Tommy' smile and plea ant dis– position make him a cheri h d friend. tay as dependable and happy as you are now, Tommy, and you will reach your goal of success. KEBA, CECILIA "Little Cecilia" This-petite miss has a personality which i hard to beat. Much of her · pare time in the winter is pent at her favorite: sport, ice– skating. Cecilia is also a master of the ivories. Lincoln Debating Janus '1 hespians Mountaineer Oratory KARVOU IS, RO E "Ro ie" This peppy mi is admired by all. Wherever Ro ie is, everyone is sure to have a good time. With a personality like her , she is bound to succeed. Thespians Oratory Cadelles KAT 0 IS, MARY "Mernie" In Mernie are found all the qual– ities of a true friend. She displays a charming manner. Success will follow her in whatever she at– tempts in the secretarial field. Cadelles Oratory KELLOW, LEE This handsome lad choose danc– ing a one of his favorite pa times. He serves very capably as co– captain of the cheerleaders. To become a state policeman is Le 's post-graduate plan. Cheerleaders 1514& .JRNU.r KELSHAW, RICHARD "Tuttie" Witty, well-liked, and gay best describe Tuttie. He likes music and enjoys playing the saxophone and clarinet. He plans to enter college after graduation. Thespians Orche;;lra Advanced Chorus KE VI I WILLARD "Reds" Band Hi-Y Reds is a perfect pal to all those who know him. Basketball is tops on his ports' list, and his keen sense of humor is one of his mo t admirable characteristics. His future plan is to be a missionary. Senior Library KI EY, SALVADORE "Sally" What would 212 be without Sally's jovial manner? His favorite sport is football, and he has a special talent for art. A prominent place in the business world awaits him. KE DER, JOSEPH "Joe" Joe is a member of the Male Quar– tet. His ability to play the violin and baritone horn has won him wide acclaim in the musical activ– ities of the school. Advanced horu$ Band Orchestra KILE, DAYTO "Bud" This tall, friendly lad is interested in all sports, especially ba ketball. Hi favorite pastime i li tening to Perry Como. He plans to be– come a cabinet-maker. KLEI , CARL "Carl" Carl's interest in sports, especially baseball and basketball, di tin– guishes him as having qualities of good sportsmanship. This will be an asset to him in becoming a pro– fessional ball-player in future years. Le Cenacle 41