Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

KLERX,HENRY "Chip" This good-natured fellow possesses many friends. Football and swim– ming fill mo t of Chip's spare time. He hope to have his own garage some day. KLOCEK, GABRIELLA "Gaby" Gaby is indeed an asset to the enior class. She has a technique at the piano that is envied by all and claims football as her favorite sport. Cadettes KNIES, ROBERT "Bob" Oratory Bob's witty remarks and plea ant dispo ition account for his many friends. He excels in the field of art, and his post-graduate plans are to enter an art school. KLI E, ANCY " ancy" ancy's varied activities contri– bute to her popularity. A member of various club , she serves capably as publicity director of the The - pian Club. Her scholastic standing will aid her in becoming a com– petent social worker. Advanced Chorus Janus Thespians Mountaineer Oratory Diggers K ELLY, JA E "Janie" Janie, a valuable member of the class of '4 , is planning to study piano after graduation. Don't give Iturbi too much competition, Jane. Luck and success at Pi Mu Music College. Choral K OUSE, SALLY A N "Sally" A charming girl with a delightful smile describes Sally best. Wher– ever there is fun, Sally is found in the midst of it. Her cheerful man– ner will aid her in becoming an efficient nurse. Cadettes Thespians Oratory Der Deutsche V erein ~ R N u J 1 e 4 a K YRIM, EMERSO ''Em' This good-looking lad wins the admiration of his classmates with his high scholastic standing and his friendly manner. Em's ambi– tion is to enter Penn State to study engineering. KOBRICK, DOLORES "Dolores" Thi charming Ia s serve capably a secretary of Digger . In her spare time Dolores likes to kate or play the piano. She is bound to be uc essful as a laboratory tech– nician. Lincoln Debating Oratory Choral Thespians Diggers Le Cenacle KOCHIK, MARY ''Ko" Ko' intelligence makes her an outstanding commercial student. She serves capably as bookkeeper of the Mountaineer. A bright fu– ture is assured her in the business world. Mountaineer Diggers 42 Janus Oratory K YRIM, ROBERT "Shagen" Shagen is well-liked by his wide circle of friends. In his spare time he enjoys a good game of basket– ball. He expect to join the avy after graduation. KOCHERA, GEORGE "Georgie" This musically-talented boy is an asset to the High School Band. Baseball rates highest on hi · list of favorite sports. To lead a big name band is Georgie's future goal. Der Deutsche Verein KOHLER, HARRY "Speed" Band Acting a color guard, Speed i · an aid to the band. In his leisure time he like to build model air– planes. Speed intend to enter the aviation field after graduation.