Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

KOHLER, LOUISE "Mouse" Mouse is very active in chool affairs and ha a pleasing person– ality. Her fine leadership of the Girls' Oratorical Club and many appearances on the stage have made her a leader of '4 Thespians u·irmning Oratory adelles KOKI DA, PAUL "Dophy" Janus Choral Dophy, whose life ambition is to become a professional ba..c;eball pitcher, spend a great deal of his time playing baseball. He also posse. ses a special talent, singing. KOLESAR, DOROTHY "Dot" Dot is another friendly tudent of the clru of '4 . Her future plan is to become a secretary, and lucky is the one who employs her. KOKINDA, MARY ELLE "Marcha" This lass, who belongs to the aca– demic section of our class, serves capably as vice-pre ident of La Tertulia. She plans to further her education but has not decided on the college which she will attend. Senior Library La Tertulia KOLE DA, MARY "Mary" Although a quiet girl, Mary wins her way into the hearts of many with her pleasing manner. She has chosen to become a laboratory technician in the future. KOLESSAR, IVA ulve" Wherever there is fun and laugh– ter, you are ure to find Ive. To him hunting and fishing are tops. He will surely succeed in whatever he undertakes. 1 5I 4 B .J R N U .r KORBA, ATALIE " at" This charming miss has a wide circle of friends. As her favorite sport at choo s swimming, while collecting picture is her hobby. She plans to become a designer in the future. Majorettes Choral Thespians KORDALSKI, ELEA OR "Butch" As pre ident of the Diggers, Butch lead the club toward another suc– ce ful year. With her untiring ambition, she will gladly be wel– comed into the bu iness world. Oratory Diggers KOST, LORRAI E "Lorrie" Lorrie's friendliness and high scho– lastic record in ure her of a suc– cessful future. After graduation she plan to enroll at the Blooms– burg State Teachers' College. Senior Library Choral Thespians La Tertulia Oratory KORBA, PATRICIA "Pat" Pat, one of our high-stepping ma– jorettes, helps to contribute color and zest to our football games. With her art ability, she is sure to become a succ ful fa hion de– signer. Majorettes Choral Thespians KORE , IRE E "Renee" Wherever there is a good movie in town, you will find Renee. She is quiet and has an amiable di - po ition. Her ambition is to be a telephone operator. KOSTE BAUDER, A CY " ance" This attractive and popular miss claims dancing as her favorite hobby. She is known a one of the attractive style leaders of H. H. S. Upon graduation he plans to enter the medical profe sion. Orchestra adettes Oratory Band 43