Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

KOSTICK, EMILY "Hemmy" It isn't very often you meet a per– son as friendly and sociable as Hemmy. Dancing takes up a great deal of her spare time. She is cer– tain to attain uccess. Advanced Chorus Choral Thes11ians KOTSUR, FRA CIS "Boysy" Working in a lumber camp takes up much of Boysy's time. He plans to make timber-cutting his life work. Collecting pipes is this lad's unusual hobby. KREVAK, MILTON "Milt" Many a lass swoons over this handsome vocational lad. This accounts for Milt's hobby, women. With his pleasing personality Milt will succeed as a cabinet– maker. KOSTlUK, GEHALD "Gerry" Gerry possesses a keen sense of humor, which accounts for his many friends. His helpful ways and friendly attitude will aid him in becoming a priest. KRELL, MIRIAM "Mim, Mim is one of the quiet, bright girls of '4 . Her friendliness and sweet personality help her to gain many friends. Her future goal is to become a nurse. Mountaineer KRIZA SKY, MARGARET "Margie" Margie's sense of humor and care– free manner make her well-liked by all. Bowling is her favorite sport. To become a stenographer or a model is her life ambition. Stamp ~ R N u J 1 a 4 a KRIZNOSKI, RITA "Kriz" This pert girl is one of our peppy cheerleaders. Lively and fun– loving best describe her. With her congenial per onality she is bound to be uccessful in what– ever she undertakes. Thespians Oratory Cheerleaders Choral KROMMES, JOAN "Skinner'' Skinner is a· red-haired lass who is full of fun. She is a swell pal to everyone and can play the piano quite well . She will certainly make a succe ful bookkee(:er. Thespians Choral KUSHMEDER, WALTER "Elbows" This boy is sure to be found in the woods during hi spare time, either fishing or tudying the habits of birds. pon graduating, he plans to become a machinist. 44 KUNKEL, PAUL "Paul" Although Paul is more on the quiet ide, his personality and friend– liness win for him a wide circle of friends. His plans are to enter the Muhlenburg College to prepare for the Ministry. KUSHNERICK, RITAMARIE "Rita" Rita spends most of her spare time hor eback riding or attending the H. H. S. football games. She also has a keen interest in music. Her post-graduate plan is to become a beautician. La Tertulia