Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

MACEJKO, MICHAEL "Mizue" Mike, a quiet lad, is a friend to all. Boxing is his favorite sport, and he ha a special interest for radio. Mizue is bound to succeed in his chosen career. MAGUSCHAK, ELMER "Magoo" A quiet, handsome lad, Magoo is an a t to the Vocational Ma– chine hop. His favorite hobby is sports, and h can be found playing football quite often. He plans to become a precision ma– chinist. MACOVITCH, EDWARD "Mac" Jovial Mac, an ardent photog– rapher and a great friend, lists football as his favorite sport. He plans to continue cabinet-making after graduation. MADER, FRED "Fritz" Fritz's interests are in the field of cience, although he has a spe– cial talent for music. After grad– uation he plans to tudy chemical engineering at Penn State College. MAl IERO, ALFRED "AI" This likeable lad, whose favorite sport is baseball, i in the new Distributive Education Depart– ment. Dancing ranks first as At's favorite pastime. To become a business executive is his plan for the future. 1 5I 4 S ..J R N U .r MALEGA, VERNA "Verna" Verna is a quiet, reserved girl with a ho t of friends. Swimming is her favorite sport, and she enjoy col– lecting popular records. ursing is her post-graduate plan. MANC SO, ALFRED "AI" AI, who po es a host of friends, play the trombone very well. At– tending football games helps to occupy his spare time. He i bound to ucceed in the line of mu ic. MARCHETTI, RICHARD "Mark" Mark's friends will not be a bit surpri ed if he becomes one of the foremo t cientists in the country. Making gas-powered model air– craft is his unu ual hobby, and electronics is his future goal. Le enacle MALT, JO EPH ''Foo'' Foo brings considerable enjoy– ment to his classmates with his great sen e of humor. Collecting souvenirs is his pet hobby. Re hope to make chemical engineer– ing his !if work. MARCHETTI, JOHN "Jack" Jack is a happy-go-lucky fellow who wishes to become a profes– ·ional drummer. Since be di plays his talent so well in Band, he sure- 1y will succeecl. Band MARC! KEVICH, VIRGIL "Virgie" Blonde and vivacious, golden– voiced Virgie is editor-in-chief of the Janus and pre ident of Le Cenacle. As an honor student she has proved herself an a set to the class of '4 . Her intere ts in– clude mu ic and dramatics. Mounlaineer Oratory Janus 'thespians adetles Diggers Choral Advanced horus II Dante Le Cenacle 47