Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

MARKWARD, A CY " an" This peppy mi is a regular spec– tator at the ball games. Dancing and playing the violin are her special hobbies. To become a secretary is her future plan. Choral Orchestra MAROTTA, PAULA "Paula" Being popular with both sexe , Paula has a good time wherever she goes. Swimming is one of her specialties, and she enjoys an ex– citing basketball game. Her post– graduate plan is nursing. mming ,Jians Cadettes Oratory II Dante .IARUSAK, CATHERINE "May" An honor student, May loves to play the piano and swim. Her sparkling smile will be appreciated by her patients when she becomes a competent nur e. Le Cenacle Choral MAROLO, MAURO "Bushy" Thi. art-minded fellow is well– liked by all his fellow classmates. His favorite hobby is sleeping, especially in class. Good luck in the future. MAROTTA, ROSARIA "Ro aria" Rosaria, who looks at the humor– ous as well as the serious side of life, is a friend to many. Nursing is her chosen career. Thespians Cadelles Il Dante MASKOR ICK, CATHER! E "Katie" Katie can always keep you in– formed on the latest happenings in baseball, since baseball is her favorite sport. She loves to read and also enjoys a delightful swim. Success to you in the commercial field. Thespians Oratory Cadettes ~ R N u J 1 a 4 e A ~AJ OVITCH, WASSIL Q)(; "Was y" W)rft and !1: 'l;~Y hello are 'cal ~ is ~r. He plans to .l- ecome' ~ball coach. Was- ~ nLI-- sy's tru rtsmanship and sense l/ of humo will be an asset to him in the future. 4 MASSA, RITA "Rita" Although Rita is quiet, she has many friend . Swimming rates high on her list of activities, with drawing and reading a clo e sec– ond. Rita is an ardent fan of the H. H. S. basketball team. Swimming MATAS, BERNADI E "Diny" Diny, the efficient secretary of Le Cenacle, is known for her broad, sparkling smile. She has definitely decided to include music and dramatics in her life work. Thespians Le Cenacle Cadettes Oratory Choral Advanced Chorus MASSA, ANTHO Y "Tony" Tony's wit and happy-go-lucky manner have made him the life of room 101. He chooses swimming and football as his favorite sports. Upon graduation he intends to join the Coast Guard. MASSAGE, DOROTHY "Dot" All Dot's friends agree that her charming smile and gay spirit de(initely add something to_H. H. S. Dancing occupies much of her spare time. She is also very clever with the paint brush. Oratory Le Cenacle Thespians Diggers MATECHIK, JOSEPH "Joe" Electricity rates as Joe's favorite subject, while collecting old guns and cartridges is hi favorite hob– by. Some day in the future Joe plans to own a machine and gun shop.