Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

MO AHAN, MARY "Mary" This cheery lass is a true friend to everyone who knows her. She is very efficient as an a sociate editor of the Mountaineer. She plans to become a nurse. Mountaineer Janus Cadettes MONSOR 0, CHARLES "Cha" Chas is one of our musically-in– clined students who is an impor– tant member of the Jazz Band. After graduation he plans to enter Temple University to study pub– lic accounting. MO TZ, VIOLA "Vim" Vim's friendline s is always ad– mired by those who know her. Her favorite subject is art, and she is planning to become a fashion illustrator. Please, Vim, keep the skirts short!! MO DOCK, MARY "Shorty" Shorty enjoys roller skating and dancing better than any other form of recreation. Her congenial manner accounts for her many friends. She plans to become a stenographer after graduation. Thespians MO TICELLO, SAMUEL ''Sammy" Sammy, known as the King of Fun, is always telling jokes and making wise cracks. This hand– some lad will surely succeed in becoming a second Woody Her– man. Incidentally, collecting records is his hobby. MOODY, PATRICIA "Patsy" This cute little redh ad with her radiant per onality is liked by all. Pat y' leisu re time is divided among reading, collecting re– cords, and attending game . She plans to enter business school. Cadettes 1 5I 4 B ~ R N U .r MOPE, A THONY ''Pluto" Pluto was elected president of his class in his junior year. His class– mates appreciate his great sense of humor, and he i a definite asset to our track and football teams. Success in your post-graduate plan of plumbing. MOTSKO, JOH "Johnny" Johnny's friendly personality wins for him many friends. All sports hold special interest for him, with basketball heading the list. His future plan is to become a United States Marine. MOYER, PAUL "Moyer" Moyer, an outdoor boy, spends most of his time hunting. He en– joys an exciting game of football. Mechanics is this lad's chosen field. MOSER, YVO "Yevvie" E Yevvie's fun-loving disposition and cheerful attitude account for her innumerable friends. To enter Ohio Institute and to become a laboratory technician is Yevvie's plan for the immediate future. Thespians MOTWAY, LEO A "Lee" This pretty little miss has a host of friends, gained by her winning smile and friendline s. She enjoys dancing and ice skating in her leisure time. To become a typist is her life ambition. MU DIE, JAMES "Jimmy" Jimmy, one of our popular voca– tional lads, can be found at all the football games. He reveals his unusual hobby as women. His life ambition is to be a mechanic. 51