Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

POLUMBO, A NA LOUISE "Annie" Annie's hobbies are collecting stamps and reading mystery sto– ries. Upon becoming a nurse, she will certainly cheer the patients with her smile. Choral Senior Library Cadettes M ajoretles Thespians POPERNICK, MICHAEL "Fundick" Fundick is quite interested in the lumber industry, and his hobbies are fixing cars and cabinet-making. The future holds much for this boy. PUHAK, GEORGE "Georgie" George, a member of the Vocation– al Machine Shop, lists football as his favorite sport. This young man likes to travel. To become a pre– cision machinist is his life ambition. POLUMBO, LOUIS "Sparky" This jovial fellow from 309 makes many friends with his witty re– marks. Sparky's spare time is spent in sleeping, his favorite hob– by. After graduation he plans to enter the business world. PROKOP, MICHAEL "Pro" This fine lad, who is a member of Band, enjoys playing basketball and building model planes. He hopes to own an engineering com– pany someday. Le Cenacle Band Orchestra PURDY, JEA ETTE "Jeanie" Jeanie's musical interest is in the piano and cello. She does very w~ll in the orchestra. This miss plans to enter the field of nursing. Orchestra Le Cenacle Thespians Cadettes ~ R N u J 1 a 4 a PUSKAR, THOMAS "Pussy" Pussy has a very keen sense of humor, and he is extremely inter– ested in basketball. His post-grad– uate plan is to become a profes– sional ball player. Senior Library RABBITZ, JOH "Johnny" This lad, whose main hobby is looking at pretty girls, is one of our great football players. He hopes to be a professional baseball player someday. REAGA , MARTHA "Martha" 3E would certainly be dull without Martha, with her ready wit and sen e of humor. Although her fu- · ture is undecided, she will surely be successful. Thespians La Tertulia 56 PYKOSII, NICHOLAS "Nixun" ixun is one of our handsome vo– cational lads who has a host of friends. He selects swimming as his favorite sport and printing as a hobby. RAFTER, JOYCE "Joycie" Joycie's main interest is collecting dolls, but she also enjoys swim– ming and playing the piano. Her future goal lies in the field of nurs– ing. Se"lior Library Choral Thespians Le Cenacle Cadettes RECKLING, JAMES "Reck" Reck, a jovial member of 305, chooses dancing and swimming as his favorite hobbies. Architec– tural drawing is his favorite sub– ject. He is going to become a sol– dier in the U.S. Army.