Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

SODITUS, ARLENE "Tidy" Tidy is a lovable girl who is always the life of a party. Swimming oc– cupies most of her spare time. She is certain to succeed in her chosen field of dress designing. Cadettes Le Cenacle Senior Library SOFRA KO, BARBARA "Barbie" This well-liked lassie is musically inclined. Most of her spare time is spent by playing the piano or singing. Every future patient of Barbie's will surely have a cheer– ful nurse. Choral Advanced Chorus Le Cenacle SOTACK, JOSEPH "Joe" Joe a likeable curly-haired lad, cho~ses photography as his hobby. He also enjoys a good basketball game. Upon graduating, he plans to attend Penn State Center and later become a chemist. SOFIANEK, JOSEPH "Sophie" Sophie spends his leisure time hunting, camping, or playing football. In his vocational classes he puts electricity at the top of the list of subjects. He aspires to be an electrician. SOFRA KO, JOHN "Saf'' This lively vocational lad from 305 likes nothing better than swim– ming, camping, and traveling. With his Cine character, he will cer– tainly make a successful engineer. SPEVAK, FRA K ''Frank" Frank, a fun-loving fellow, would like to enter the Navy upon grad– uation. His jovial remarks and en– viable disposition are sure to bring success his way. ~ R N U J 1 B 4 a STACKHOUSE, ANO A "Anona" Anona can usually be found read– ing, dancing, or ice skating. She has won a host of friends in H. H. S. and is sure to win more in her chosen career of nursing. Cadettes Thespians Oratory Der Deutsche Verein STEFANICK, RITA "Stefe" Stefe is a friend to all who know her. She is usually found in the midst of all the fun. Her future plan is to become a beautician. Cadettes Thespians STOLL, RUTHE MAE "Shorty" This tiny miss is jolly and friendly toward all. Playing the piano and singing are her special talents. With her sunny disposition, she is sure to be a succes. ful receptionist. Advanced Clwrus Choral 62 Thespians adettes STEFANICK, JOHN "Stef" Traveling is Stef's idea of fun. He can often be found cheering our football team on to victory. His life ambition is to become a tool and die-maker, but he is joining the Navy first. STISH, FRANKLIN "Tubber" Most of Tubber's interests center around music. With his saxophone he helps make the Jazz Band a suc– cess. His life ambition is to become a member of a famous band. Il Dante STONE, WALTER "Stony" Band Stony's favorite hobby and future vocation lies in the field of photog– raphy. Although he enjoys all sports, basketball ranks highest with him. He is bound to be a suc– cess.