Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

1'/tespiuns Dcr Deutsche Yerein WALSHOCK, DOLORES "Wally" Wally is a very pretty gift from Tresckow. Dancing and records are her chief interests. Be ides having a pleasant di position, she is an earnest tudent. Thespians Cadettes II Dante WARD, CATHERINE "Cathy" A quiet, friendly lass is little Cathy. To occupy her lei ure time, she enjoy dancing and swimming. Although her future plan are un– decided, he i sure to be successful in any of her undertaking . Cadettes Thespians WALP, WILBUR "Web" Web reveals that his favorite hob– by is hunting, while much of his spare time i spent playing base– ball. Web' po t-graduate plan is cabinet-making. WA CO, RO ALD "Ronnie" Ronnie's keen sense of humor and broad imagination endear him to many. He like music and i a prominent member of the Ad– vanced Choru . 1 EI4S .JR N' u.r WASHKO, A DREW "Andy" A good port and a wonderful per– son be t describe Andy. Hi favor– ite sports are swimming and foot– ball, while photography and wood– carving are his hobbies. His future plans are undecided. WATRO, NICHOLAS "Torpedo" Torpedo's ambition is to become an auto-body expert. Football and camping take up most of his spare time. With hi friendly manner, he is sure to find his place in the world. WENDEL, JEA E "Jeanne" Swimming and dancing are Jeanne's main interests. She i known for the fashionable styles he introduces into H. H. S. A valuable member of our class, she is ure to have a bright future. wimming Thespians Oratory La Tertulia Cadettes WATRO, DOROTHY "Dot" Dot, one of our charming seniors, is a familiar and capable office helper. She enjoys music and cen– ters her activitie around it. To enter the business world is her fu– ture plan. Choral Advanced Chorus Cadettes Oratory WELKIE, GEORGE "George" George is a happy-go-lucky lad who gets along with anyone. He likes to spend hi time li tening to radio programs or swimming. He is sure to be a success in the future. La Tertulia WERSINGER, JOH "Jack" This prize academic st;.;dent i1 ad– mired for his scholastic ability. Jack spends hi· leisure time 1lay · ing the sax and clarinet. One as friendly a he is bound to suc< eed. Janus 65