Hazleton High School 1948 Yearbook (Hazleton, PA) - Full Access

Scenes from Thespian Production "Angel Street" "Angel Street", the Drama Wrek production presented February 9, tells the thrilling story of the Manninghnms of "Angel Strrot." Mr. Man– ningham is slowly driving his m<'Pk wife insan~ by arranging p('lty aherrn– lions and accusing her of them. One evening Inspector Rough comes to S('(' \1rs. Manninghanl when Mr. Mnnninghnm is not home. He tells her a story about an old Indy who had been murdered for her jewels in the house in which Mrs. llfanningbam was living. His theory was that the jewels had 95 not b('('n found and the murderer was still looking for them in the same houS(-', b<"cau~ th<' murdPrl!r was. her husband. WhC'n he convinces Mrs. .\1anningham of her danger, they proCPCd to find evidence and convict Mr. 1\lanningham. Mr~. Mauningllam, Virgil Marcinkevich; Jllr. Manninghant, William Baker: NanC1J, Sally Ann Bast; Rough, Robert Paulshock; Elizabeth, ancy Kline. J/8