Honesdale High School 1960 Yearbook (Honesdale, PA) - Full Access

LAWRE CE BRIE C RTI "Curt" Vocational Agriculture " ever wa a man who could forget!" Larry i one of the more conservative boy of our cia . but a very bu y on ; being Pre ident of the Hon sdale FFA a well a of the Wayne Pike FFA. He like nice car but hi di likes include homework and women. P ople who are too seriou ly-minded are hi pet peeves. A Larry like to pend hi lei ure time outdoor , it i little wonder that he hould choose hunting and fi bing a hi favorite bobbie . Larr i a of yet, undecided about hi future plan but we wi 1I him luck in whatever he may choo . ACI'IVITIE FFA1,2,3,4 President 4 CAROLYN E. D Y "Lulu" General "You're the bo !" Carolyn i a mu ically-minded girl who like inging and enjoys cia ical, a well a popular mu ic. "Jesu Bambino" i her favorite ong. Her di likes include mu broom and tudying. She' u ually found workina hard at Day' Bakery, where he tire of hearing people a k, "I it fresh?" he li t her hobbies a Vincent, square dancing, and decorating cakes. School, then marriage and children, compose her future plans. ACI'IVITIE Choru 1, 2, 3, 4 New taff 3, 4 Yearhook taff 4 nior Play 4 Ensemble 4 Wood Bee 3 GERALD PAUL DERRICK "Porky" Commercial "You big ape!" Jerry' one of our talented mu ician who favorite song is "I Believe." He hopes to become a member of the avy Band in the near future. Hi like include girl , of course. English class is hi pet peeve, and homework come next on the li t. Hobbie of his, other than mu ic,. include model air– planes. Looking for Jerry? Better try Tony' . ACI'IVITIES Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Captain 4 Orclrestra 3, 4 Game Club 1 FBLA 4 Senior Play 4 Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4 Librarian 4