Honesdale High School 1960 Yearbook (Honesdale, PA) - Full Access
THOMAS DULAY "Tom" General "Get lost" Tom, the smiling Irishman of the Foto-fiend , wa the pride and joy of Father Kane's Altar Boys. His favorite song is "A Certain Smile" which he hears at Tony's on weekends, when not working at the A&P. Tom was piqued by an un– successful "Model A," but he still lists girl ' "Big Purses" as his pet peeve. He di likes homework, but thinks Mr. Gregg's Study Hall makes up for it. Tom's ambitions include being the manager of A&P, and following hi hobby of photography. ACTMTIES Foto-Fiends 3, 4 Year book Staff 4 JV's 2 Driver Training 3 JOYCE DU N Commercial "I guess o" Joyce, an active member of the FBLA, is one of the blond team of Dunn & Rudloff. She is often found rapidly typing out absentee lips or copies for Miss Brussells. After school and on weekends, Joyce can be found working at Newman's, where she plans to continue after school. Joyce is a neat blond with a ready mile and an intense dislike for high heels with socks (with minor aversions to homework and tests). Her taste and personality paid off in her candidacy for Dairy Queen. ACTMTIES Homemaking Club 1 FBLA4 FRED LEWIS E 0 "Sage" Academic "That's impossible!" Fred, nicknamed "Fritz" by the girls in Latin I class, is Doc's favorite inventor (square corn for chickens that lay square eggs), and a prominent member of the RFA (Roman Forces of America). His dormant attitude has fooled many, but his friends (and teachers) know that this exterior hides a keen scientific brain. Although he li~s "That's impossible!" as his favorite expression, he doesn't seem to want to believe it and is often found in his electronics workshop (when not doing chores). All is not seriousness for Fred though; he is a Dodger fan and likes rock and roll, listing "Dream Lover" and "I Dig Girls" as two of his favorites. His future includes college (Penn State) and a career in electrical engineering. ACTMTIES Chess CluB 1, 2, 3, 4 RFA 2, 3, 4
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