Honesdale High School 1960 Yearbook (Honesdale, PA) - Full Access
DORIS A. KATZ "Dorie" General "Good morning, men. Good evening, ladies." Dorie has always been an active member of our class. Repre– senting us on the Student Council for two years, heading c'ass committees, decorating for dances and participating in various other activities have kept her busy. Among her dislikes are boys who do not have good manners, people who are late, letter writing and, of course, homework. Dorie enjoys read– ing, hiking, swimming and dancing and can often be found listening to "Mister Blue" with the gang at Tony's. Her future plans include nurses training and we wi h Dorie the best of luck. ACTIVITIE Student Council 1, 2 Chorus 2, 3, 4 Cheerleaders 3, 4 Futurf' urse Club 3, 4 Vice-President 4 ews ta££ 3, 4 Yearbook ta££ 4 enior Play 4 1 unior Red Cro s Council 3, 4 Intramurals 1, 2 1 3 THOMAS WALTER KE EDY "Tim" General "What, me worry?" Tim's recent departure from the halls of H.H.S. left a de– cided gap in the Senior class-and Miss Baxter's fourth period English class. But at last notice Tim was enjoying his new niche in the world- the lowly position of boot-trainee in the United States Army, in which he hopes to pursue his education as a technical draftsman. Among our memories, Tim emerges as a well-dressed, slight young man whose personality shines in his many arguments on the reasons of life, religion or any other subject tos ed at him. When not engaged in a "spirited" argu– ment, Tim could usually be found on the nearest dance floor or playing football on the Stourbridge school grounds. ACTIVITIES Ba ketball 3 Baseball 2 ews Staff 3, 4 RICHARD KOCH "Dick" General "What do ou want, a medal? " Tall, blond, blue eyed, and full of fun describe this friendly senior. A certain red convertible is the object of his affection, along with a certain girl from H.C.H.S. Dick is a lucky guy– he's got a standing excuse for being late-his milk route. Dick's future plans include trade school. ACTIVITIES Gymnastics Club 1, 4 Chess Club 2, 3 Basltetball 2 Senior Play 4
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