Honesdale High School 1960 Yearbook (Honesdale, PA) - Full Access
PETER LEISS "Pete" Academic "Not Really" Arguments, evolution, Elmer Gantry, Huckleberry Hound, Brook Road Rocket Society-all these diversified interests sum up Pete. Pete loves to talk- just ask Gary Battler or Toh sue Rubin or his teachers. He detests the word "trite," hut has a deep interest in classical music as shown by his choice of favorite composition, "Saint-Saens Symphony #3." He hopes to pursue a career in chemistry after college. If he is ever at a loss for words, Pete can always quote "What is love? Love is the morning star ..." ACTIVITIES Chess Club 1, 2 Class President 2 Student Council 3, 4 J. C. Rep. at Large 4 Yearbook Staff 4 News Staff 3, 4 Co-Editor 4 ational Honor Society 3, 4 Baseball 3 Rep. to Keystone Boys' State 3 R.F.A. 2, 3, 4 RAY LINTNER, JR. General Love of sports would distinguish this intelligent-looking, blue-eyed, brown haired hoy in any crowd. He participates in all sports either as a player or star reporter for the News Staff. During the basketball season Ray, with his famous smile, can be found at the scoring table. In the spring of the year baseball claims our hoy nearly twenty-four hours a day, for this is closest to his heart. Amon~~; his other interests are writing- and eating. In the fall, East Stroudsburg State Teachers' College will he his new address, and a career as a physical education instructor his new goal. ACTIVITIES Baseball 2, 3, 4 Ba ketball Scorer 2, 3, 4 News Staff 3, 4 Yearbook StaH 4 Photo Fiends 3, 4 Vice-President 4 Spotlight 4 ports Editor Junior Jaycee 4 LEANNA JANE MARSHALL "Lea" Commercial "You and your bright ideas" Lea, tall, attractive and well-liked by her classmates is an avid music lover. She enjoys all types, and her favorite song is "Star Dust." She disapproves of sloppy dresses and math, hut her main pet peeve is dislocated knees. She enjoys swim– ming, ice skating, reading, and shorthand class. She also de· lights in splurging on banana splits. ACTIVlTIE Book Club 1, 2 Yearbook taff 4 Spotlight Staff 3, 4 ews taff 3, 4 Chorus 3, 4 F.B.L.A. 4
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