Honesdale High School 1960 Yearbook (Honesdale, PA) - Full Access
KARE E. PRESTO ''Tooey" Academic "Don't panic!" A whiz on the ~asketball court, ''Tooey" ranks second only to M.H. in the "Striped Coiffure" conte t. Often seen hiking up or sliding down Golf Hill, "Tooey" plans to continue her athletic endeavors at Beaver College while preparing to become an elementary teacher. Among her likes "Tooey" includes sing– ing, swimming and teasing substitute English teachers. The only di like she bas is the word "condolences"; in fact, she has threatened to have it eliminated from the English language. "Tooey's" vocal chords have enhanced many an assembly and choral recital, and the song she sings best is "You'll Never Walk Alone." We're sure she won't! Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Co.Captain 4 Choru 2, 3, 4 County Chorus 2, 4 ew Laff 3, 4 ACTIVITIES Yearbook taff 4 Literary Editor 4 G.I.A. 1 F.T.A. 4 Wood.Bees 3 ational Honor ociety 3, 4 Cia Trea urer 3 Orche tra 4 LOIS TAMSE RIDD "Tammy" Commercial "Hi, Hon" "Pixie" describes thi happy-go-lucky girl who is usually found in the company of Margie. Her likes center around Ben, dancing, mu ic, ice skating, and pizza. Her well-groomed ap– pearance reflects her interest in clothes. Tammy's future plans include a secretarial job and eventually marriage. ACTIVITIE Book Club 2 Chorus 3, 4 F.B.L.A. 4 President 4 Yearbook taff 4 Class Play 4 GARY ROBBI S "Floyd" Academic "Wouldn't that roast you!" Floyd was forced to change teams during his senior year, but ha admirably recovered and is now playing "pro" basket– ball under Waymart's colors. Gary is a beautiful swimmer, and an excellent horseman. His dimples and six foot frame make him a catch for any girl. Floyd claims to dete t con– ceited people and certain types of girls; but then lists girls as hi m~ interest. Confusing, i n't it, Floyd? Pharmacy school is in his future plans witli Temple University as his im– mediate post-graduation destination. ACTIVITIE Basketball 1, 2, 3
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