Honesdale High School 1960 Yearbook (Honesdale, PA) - Full Access
MARGIE A. SA DERCOCK General "Sure Dad" Margie is one of Mis Brus ell' busy Commercial girls. Pe· tite and pretty, she was recently chosen Dairy Queen Attendant. Margie can usually be found with Tammy or Billy. Her hob· hies include horseback riding, reading and collecting records. "A Summer Place" takes first place in thi collection. Chorus 3, 4 Driver Training 4 Book Club 3 ACTIVITIES Dairy Queen Attendant potlight tal£ 4 Bu ine 1anager FBLA Vice·Pre ident 4 nior Play 4 Yearbook taff 4 Tumbling 2, 3 JEAN A SCHROEDER Academic "E·Gad !" Jean is one of the mo t conscientiou and re pected members of our clas . She is known to her friend as "The one who never complains," about school, that i . Jean's terrific sense of humor keep popping up in the mo t original ways. Her future plan include Ea t Stroudsburg tate Colleae and a career a a biology or general science teacher. Good Luck, Jean. ACTIVITIE Book Club 1, 2 Wood Bee 3, Future Teacher Club 4 Trea urer National Honor Society 3, 4 R.F.A. 2, 4 BARBARA JEA SMITH "Bobbie" General "For the Love of Mike" "DQ i Do" and "Alamind Left" are Bobbie' favorite ex– pres ions for she loves square dancing and pursues this favored hobby endJessly. Sports and ice kating also consume much of Bobbie's future. Barbara's future plans include commercial school and we predict a bright future for this friendly girl. ACTlVITIES Tri-Hi-Y 3 Crafts Club 4
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