Honesdale High School 1960 Yearbook (Honesdale, PA) - Full Access
HAROLD FRANCIS SMITH "Hal" General ''What say, George?" A guy with a great sense of humor is our Harold. He enjoys working on cars and hunting with his buddy, Alvin. His likes include girls; his dislikes, rainy weather, and he claims "no pet peeves." "I Walk the Line" is his favorite song. Hal's future plans include trying to improve his past. VIRGI lA ANNE SMITH "Ginny" "Excuse my French" Ginny's a likable girl who can usually be found with her pal, Gwennie. Ginny's at her best while driving, listening to "Begin the Beguine," or cooking up one of her favorite con– coctions. Loud, conceited people and doing dishes merit her disapproval. Her future plans are not yet definite but most likely she will pursue a career in the field of art, since her abilities and interests are concentrated there. ACTIVITIES Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4 ational Honor Society 3, 4 Yearbook Staff 4 Che s Club 1 Future Teachers 4 A.O.G. 3, 4 News Staff 3, 4 Wood Bees 3 R.F.A. 2, 3 DAVID M. STAHL "Monk" General "That right, Jack?" This energetic guy can usually be found at Tony's with the gang. Monk will long be remembered as the conscientious stage manager in the Senior Play. He is able to take homework and school in his stride, for he can look forward to week-ends and dates. While pursuing his hobby, tinkering with cars, Monk listens to his favorite song, "My Heart is an Open Book." In the future Monk plans to be one of our boys in "Blue Bottom Trousers." ACTIVITIES Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Chorus 3 Projector Club 3 Driver Training 2 Orchestra 3 Snoopy Club 1
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