Honesdale High School 1960 Yearbook (Honesdale, PA) - Full Access

ALVI L. WI GLE "AI' General "Let' go' 'AI," u ually accompanied by Harold mith, often prove that beneath that angelic mile and frequent blush, another per onality lurks. He claim nothing di turb him-nothing except school, that is. Car fascinate him, and he is con tantly discu ing them with hi cronie . He i currently anticipating a po t graduate job with hi ncle am in the U.S. Army. Good luck, "AI." ELIZABETH JA E TRZALKA "Bettina" General "Oh my go h. ' Asa Blain, skating, reading, talking, Phil's, Romich's-these are Bettina' favorite pa times. Graduation will mark the end of Betty's pet peeves, school and homework. Betty's fu– ture plans include marriage and we wi h her all the happiness in the world. ACTMTIES Book Club 2 Future Nurses Club 3 F.B.L.A. 4 enior Play 4 KATHRYN MARGARET TALIMA "Kay" Commercial "Dag gummit" Kay, one of our "blu hing beautie ," claims she prefers money to. anything else; however, she does include Johnny Mathis' recordings and slumber partie among her favorite hobbies. Margie and Tammy are her constant companions who accompany her on excursions of bowling, ice skating and basketball games. Beautician school lie somewhere in her future pl<tns and with her talent for perfecting hairdos, we're sure she will succeed. CTMTIES Che Club 1 Choru 3, 4 News taff 3, 4 enior Play 4 potlight 4 F.B.L.A. 4 Treasurer 4 Yearbook taff 4