Honesdale High School 1960 Yearbook (Honesdale, PA) - Full Access

CATHER! E MO TFORT "Cathy" "What ees eet?" Academic The Class of 1960 is proud to have as one of its members, Catherine Mont– fort, a Foreign Exchange tudent from France. Cathy came to the United States in Augu t, 1959, and re ided with Dr. and 1r . E H. Preston and family. Cathy quickly became one of the mo t popular members of our cla and wa chosen "Most Respected Senior GirL" Her wai t-length pon tail, her cheerful "Hello," and her pixie smile, which featured a huge dimple, will long be re– membered by us. Cathy repeatedly di played her artistic talent through her work in the art program, wa an honorary member of the Student Council and .was a member of the cast for the enior Play. During her stay in America. Cathy visited the public high schools in Wayne County and spoke before many organizations. Cathy's year in our country, in conjunction with the American Field Service. was sponsored jointly by the Wayne County Association of Student Council and the Honesdale High chool tudent Council. We've enjoyed having you here, Cathy, and regret saying good-bye to you– so "au revoir " 'til we meet again.