Honesdale High School 1960 Yearbook (Honesdale, PA) - Full Access

Foreword Many year ago, Marcu Aureliu , the Roman emperor and philos– opher, wrote, "As for life, it i a battle." Strange a it may seem, you have been preparing for that "battle" for the past twelve year . ow you stand ready to engage with the forces of the world. In the pa t, you have been guided and directed; in the future. you will become the masters of your de tiny. The training and preparation you have received while in chool are, in a mea ure, analogous to the "basic," or "boot," training of the newly inducted serviceman in our Armed Force . During that training period, he receives an education preparing him for combat. What he learns in training may save his life in battle. While it is true that military engagements are usually more deadly than life's battles, the fact remains that life is a struggle. After all, education is preparation for life. Therefore, "Maple Leaves" is largely a pictorial review of your training period. As you become "combat" veterans in the battle before you, this yearbook will bring to you the memories of the carefree and happy days spent in school-your years of educational "basic" training. WM. T. MeG! NIS