Great Falls High School 1964 Yearbook (Great Falls, SC) - Guest Access
sium, the scene of various ath– was used also for assembly pro– r o u s in g pep r a 11 i e s . The ball team e n t e r t a in e d the the homecoming pep rally. Waiting each morning near the senior high students' entrance, the junior and senior boys dis– cussed whichever sport hap– pened to be in season . The west entrance of the high school build– ing was the one most used by visitors and members of the administration. Students, too, used this entrance as they started their journeys down the long corridors to modern classrooms and well-equipped laboratories. a eampus Wlticlt Served Vou Well upon each person within hearing and seeing range was the sight of the flag in front of the long, low high school building being as the final sound of Taps was heard. The date? Who could forget it? November 22! News had just come that President been assassinated. 5
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