FOREvVORD . In thh, The '17 .l·it1tor, rce lwr.:e tri 'd to catch th ~ ~pirit that typifie. · ]• rench II iah Sclwvl. It is the staff'. d ~sire that your lllllllUJl wii!!Jrinf.!. you more ;oy 'ach 1J 1ar as if recall day...,· aone hy. Thi. ir.; tlw e ·idl'nce of WI importaut period in your life, an adv 11llurou, allll exciting period- . SC/ fOOL D lZ/~- and rce do m an d-a-z-e! The '..f 7 viator record. the rDmriel"i, the ;oys th ~ tear the achie ·ement. , and di ·a7Jpointmeuts of a rclwle . ·clwol year; however each of u har.; hi own ·pe ial memorie of his chool day . \Ve hall d •fain yort no lonaer. n e proudly pre '11f the ~IJmbol of our daytim labors and the produ t of our mid11iaht oil - - - 'fHE 'fAFFOF'47