1947 French High School Yearbook (Beaumont, TX) - Guest Access


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TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Administration II. Classes lll. Organizations IV. Fauorites v. Sports VI. Gary Junior High VII. Aduertisements

FOREvVORD . In thh, The '17 .l·it1tor, rce lwr.:e tri 'd to catch th ~ ~pirit that typifie. · ]• rench II iah Sclwvl. It is the staff'. d ~sire that your lllllllUJl wii!!Jrinf.!. you more ;oy 'ach 1J 1ar as if recall day...,· aone hy. Thi. ir.; tlw e ·idl'nce of WI importaut period in your life, an adv 11llurou, allll exciting period- . SC/ fOOL D lZ/~- and rce do m an d-a-z-e! The '..f 7 viator record. the rDmriel"i, the ;oys th ~ tear the achie ·ement. , and di ·a7Jpointmeuts of a rclwle . ·clwol year; however each of u har.; hi own ·pe ial memorie of his chool day . \Ve hall d •fain yort no lonaer. n e proudly pre '11f the ~IJmbol of our daytim labors and the produ t of our mid11iaht oil - - - 'fHE 'fAFFOF'47

Mrs. R. D. Wilcox Her sympathetic interest in students troubles, her enthusiasm in all class and club activities, and her willingness to play the piano for us at all times have won for her the admiration and love of every student and every faculty member. To many, Mrs. Wilcox is the embodiment of womanly grace, dignity, and goodness. Striving to uphold the highest principles and standards, she has persistently worked to make French School one of the greater service and benefit.

of EDUCA'fiON R. • Gary SUperiateDclem

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