Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access

Football Mike Stoddard Co-Captain Norris Johanson Coach Ogden High's football squad downed such teams as South, East, and Box Elder in pre-season play. The Tigers won the Iron Horse game with Ben Lomond and the Little Brown Jug game with Weber, and thereby retained the cov– eted City Championship Trophy. Near the end of the season, a three-way tie involving Bountiful, Davis, and Ogden was broken when the Darts knocked both teams out of contention. Wayne Felix Co-Captain Left to Right, Row One: Dean Hughes, Steve Ritchey, Johnny Rosas, Dennis Gladwell, Don Owens, Mike A. Smith, Eldred Caffey, Rick Goddard, Earl Heninger, Leslie Ogden, Dave Gray. Row Two: Albert Folkes, James Robinson, Dan Van Kampen, David Nielsen, Brent Hodges, Steve McGarry, Jeffrey Casey, Culley Christensen, Kent Cole· mon, Byron Call, Ned Stephens. Row Three: Paul Skeen, Michael Stoddard, Stanley James, Jim Whited, David Roberts, Lindsay Curtis, Wayne Felix, William Jackson, Robert O'Connor, Gene Newman, Clarence Glenn, Doyle Stephens. Row Four: Norris Johanson, coach; Richard Young, Richard Streeper, Jay Gordner, Bud Parker, James Meloy, Curt Stettler, Steve Young, Dennis Daffron, Robert Hazen, David Roberts, Ronald Hill, Lewis Edwards, coach.