Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access

Max Morrill Coach Clair Wadman Shortstop Bud Parker First Baseman Baseball With a crack of the bat, baseball, the all-American sport, got off to a great start with many afternoons of vigorous practice. Because of the new ten game schedule introduced in Region Two this season, two games were played each week. Through this the teams were given a better opportunity to develop their physical skill and abil– ity, and the new schedule increased their spirit and mo– rale. The air was filled with tense excitement as each game was played to its climax. A successful season came to an end after five weeks of competition. Left to Right, Row One: Bud Porker, Jock loughton, Mike Stoddard, Dove Gray, Cla ir Wadman, Steve McGarry. Row Two: Robert Fife, Glenn Wheelock, Don Huntley, David Powell, David Edwards, Stanley James, Dole Miller, Brent Hodges, Uffe Troeden, Martin Russell .