Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access
Wrestling Lindsay Curtis, 157 pounds; Ron Hill, heavyweight; Robert O 'Connor, 168 pounds placed fourth in Region One wrestling matches. Wrestling got under way in early winter. At the beginning of the season, the members of the squad began working on the skills re– quired for this strenuous sport. Acquiring a quick eye and decisive action were essential. Such holds as the full-nelson, half-nelson, and the bear-hug were mastered by each grap– pler. Although only three grapplers placed in region competition, all of the boys bene– fitted from the C'ctivity. left to Right: Fred Nakatani, lynn Von Wogenen, Kenneth Tuelle Robert O'Connor, Bill Cliff, Ron Hill. Left to Right, Row One : Robert Thornock, Scott Olsen, Fred Nokotono, Bruce Galbraith, Doyle Stephens, Tommy Kinomoio. Row Two: lewis Edwards, Lynn Von Wogenen, Kenneth Tueller, Lindsay Curtis, Robert O'Connor, Bill Cloff, Ron Hill.
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