Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access
Dianne Farrell Red Cross "Success in life may be predicted in some small way by the amount of education a person has ob– tained.... The ability to live happily among peo– ple is one of the paramount traits necesary for success." In order to live happily, it is necessary for one to come in contact with many people from all walks of life and with widely varying person– alities. This experience may not be obtained solely through classroom activities; rather, it is achieved largely through participation in programs and through associations provided by the student or– ganizations. There were many opportunities for over-all development in every field of interest. Pub– lication staffs, Guilds, Jr. Red Cross, Pep Club, and the Exchange Student Program of the American Field Service stimulated a desire for accomplish– ment. By participating in the scholastic program and in the student organizations, many students combined the experience and knowledge they ob– tained from these two branches of learning and brought many awards and honors to Ogden High. 125
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