Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access

L iterarv Harvest left to Right, Row One: Janet Priest, Susanne Petersen, Marveda Maughan, Celia Williams, W. R. Thornley, Olivia Bertagnolli, Nancy Hartsock. Row Two: Sandy Ross, Margaret Eccles, Pat Kern, Judy Mar- shall, Maureen O'Connor, Helene Evensen, Jeniece Hansen, Ruth Westergard, Andrea Fowler, Senti Metz, Gayle Anderson, Lynne Wangsgard, Marianne Fillmore, Bonnie Olsen, Dean Hughes. The literary Harvest was published and distributed under the supervision of Mr. W. R. Thornley. It has been the annual literary magazine for Ogden High for many years, and was compiled by a staff of competent students. The book contained distinctively outstanding poems, short stories, and es– says. These compositions were submitted by interested students in the school. The final selections were made by the staff which based its decisions on the quality and content of the articles. Some entries had previously won local, state and even national awards. left to Right, Row One: Celia Williams, Editor; W. R. Thornley, Advisor. Row Two: Marveda Maughan, Junior Assistant Editor; Richard Palmer, Poetry Editor; Olivia Bertagnolli, Assoc. Editor.