Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access
Tiger Text Left to Right: Carolyn Carr, Co-editor; Irene Tingey, Advisor; Jane Brittain, Co-editor. Left to Right, Row One: Jane Brittain, Berdeon Balls, Irene Tingey, Carolyn Carr, Dione Storley. Row Two: Jackie Miller, linda Dixon, Toulo Bolos, Margaret Eccles, Ruth Westergard, Ann Wideman, Diona Cosh. 132 The staff of the Tiger Text organized its directory and compiled the book in the fall. This was done to provide a useful guide for students ' use during as much of the year as possible. Between its orange and black covers, the stu– dents found an accurate activity calendar, a list of school cheers, a guide to the organizations, and the names, ad– dresses, and phone numbers of all students. News Notes Joanne Suttlemyre Columnist The staff of News Notes was composed, as it was in the past, of members of the journalism classes. These students wrote the articles which appeared weekly in the Ogden Standard Examiner 's school news section. These articles informed the public and the students about the academic and social activities that had taken place dur– ing the preceding week, and those that were scheduled in the near future. These articles were always concluded with an appropriate and timely thought, selected for the consideration of the reader.
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