Ogden High School 1961 Yearbook (Ogden, UT) - Full Access
Red Cross Left to Right: Jim Laymon, Vice President; Dione Farrell, Presi– dent; Fern Marquart, Advisor; linda Inouye, Secretory. left to Right, Row One: Jim Layman, Diane Farrell, Fern Marquart, Undo Inouye. Row Two: Alan Yamashita, Carol McDonald, Annette Christensen, Sally Norton, Carolyn Berrett, Sendee Wright, Gayle Messenger, Nancy Jensen, Carol Moore, Djamileh Rozovi, Carol Mort– ensen. Row Three: Eddie McCracken, luana Clark, Mary Brown, Diona Halverson, Mike Whiteley, Sue Peterson, Donna Kartchner, Dol Ann The Junior Red Cross, a nation-wide organization, promoted service for other nations and our own country. Each home– room class had a representative in the Ogden High School 's council. During the Yule Season, it directed special attention toward the T.B. Sanitarium by providing entertainment from local schools. It also supervised the packing of Christmas boxes for over-seas and disaster areas, and pre– sented boxes, fi lied by the home rooms, to needy families in the area. Lundholm, Eva Kay Duncan, Carlo Scheer, Susan Ogden, Lindo Degn, Ann Lucas. Row Four: louise Lewis, Janel Carver, Loretto Green, Rosolee lucas, Frankie Crambow, Vee Braithwaite, Ann Barlow, Jon Mogdiel, Kay Greear, Tina Tolsma. Row Five: Cheryl Dumas, Jeniece Hansen, Bruce Bothwell, Jane Brittain, Celio Williams, Corliss Han– sen, Roger Holbrook.
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